October 18, 1992
(Russia – Moscow)
Shepherd of humanity,
overthrow all kingdoms
that do not call on Your Name!
Shepherd, You who lead us
with loving care back into the Fold,
Your anxious glances do not escape me,
the swifter sound of Your Heartbeats
have left in my own heart traces of sorrow.
No, Lord, my ears are not deaf
to Your secret Sighs of grief,
leaving my own breath weak.
Shepherd, the eyes of my soul are witnessing today
something never seen before;
no, do not hold Your Head sideways,
it is of no use hiding Your distress from me,
You have set me too close to Your Heart
not to notice Your movements ….
and the Branch of the Vine absorbed the sap from the Vine ….
beneath My skin I have placed you; 1 the heavens will wear away before My creation wakes …. see how My Passion for mankind reduced Me to?
Can I be of any use to You, my Shepherd?
you will pray, you will fast for My Sake, and your footsteps should follow close to Mine; pray that the Father’s Hand does not fall at an hour when dreams muster the mind of this generation;
My Lord,
my spirit absorbs Your grief,
come I beg You, let my heart
and those hearts that love You,
comfort You and soothe Your pain.
The eyes that once saw Your sorrow
will never stay dry;
were You to pass me,
I still should see Your movement
and detect Your pain.
I am only Your creature,
but You have placed me beneath Your skin,
without any merits and for no reason.
You fostered me.
What shall I say then,
when You, my God, stand up in front of me,
the supreme God, so offended and so grieved?
See? I am beneath Your skin,
and yet, a mere creature, fashioned out of clay.
Have I deserved the warmth of Your Body and Blood,
the warmth of Your Heart and Your closeness?
No ….
do you look forward to your dwelling in heaven, near Me, and making your way in the Light? does your heart long for your permanent home?
Yes! Holy One! Oh yes!
My priest …. you will enter My Court at the accomplishment of your mission;
although My Heart longs to take you into the heights of My Sanctuary, I could not take you prematurely; I still have more to say;
My beloved, we shall pass the lanes and the street-corners together, gathering the dead; you will draw them near Me and I will breathe in them; little by little, therefore, I will wake up the dead so that your Shepherd’s sobs cease ….
O may Your Words find fulfilment!
rise then, spread My Message like a panoply around the world, I am with you, and you shall follow My vigorous stride, work promptly and do not worry, Satan can tear himself to pieces if he wills, but you, for all his rage, will not be silenced or scathed; you will finish your race with Me;

little one, have My Peace; let nothing take away this Peace I have given you; realise how great is My Plan; I have great events yet to come; this country will honour Me more than any other country;
I have already taken one step in her ….
Vassula, I will ask you to preach to My children of Russia; this will come to you, as I have taught you; 2 be wise and proceed as I will indicate to you; remain nothing and I shall augment;
My Heart is your home; I Am;