August 13, 1991
O Yahweh,
my God and Father,
smile on us.
I Am; it is I, Yahweh, your Abba;
O God, have mercy on our wretchedness.
flower, I, Yahweh your God, am most Merciful; I Am an endless Ocean of Mercy, Compassion and Tenderness;
I have given you My Law but it is not enough to say you know My Law, you have to practise My Law; it is not enough either to say you believe I Am, I desire you to love and adore Me; even the demons believe that I Am but they do not love Me nor do they adore Me; they listen to My Voice but they do not love Me;
be loyal to Me and you, you who are My seed, come to Me your Abba and console Me; I – Am – weary – and you are only a remnant who can console Me; you are the smallest of the flock and My Eyes are upon you;
your Abba, from His Throne, tells you: I love you all with an eternal Love – be blessed;

(Later on:)
Lord, forgive us,
for we have really failed
to appreciate Your Great Love,
we failed to appreciate Your Great Sacrifice,
we failed to love and stay united;
we keep repeating our errors continuously.
O Lord Jesus,
we need desperately Your help to come back to our senses.
Come and rescue us,
the garland of divinity has fallen from our heads;
look on us and see our wretchedness,
our pitiful degradation, our atrophy to what is holy.
Make us come back to You,
by coming to visit each one of us,
as You have visited me,
visit the rest of Your children and show them Your Heart.
I want, My Vassula, to hear from every lip:
„Jesus, I love You, save my soul
and save the souls of others too“
so pray for the conversion of these poor souls, pray novenas and I shall listen; I can change stubbornness to comply, so pray to My Sacred Heart and I shall do the rest;