October 1, 1990
My Vassula, it is I, the Lord, feel Me, I am near you, discern Me; 1
I am sharing My Cross with you, My Crown of Thorns and My Nails; I have chosen you out of the land of the dead and revived you in My Heart to make you the victim of My Insatiable Love, and make you an atonement for many souls who prefer to remain divided and differentiate themselves under My Sacred Name; I am sharing My sufferings and My grief with you, daughter; console Me and I will console you;
Vassula, My child, I have raised you to appease My Justice, I have raised you to delight My Soul; do not fear then, My child; My Father has found favour in you for all that you are not; you have no merits, none at all, but I favoured you in spite of your wretchedness, for My Loyalty and My Gentleness are without measure; sacrifice more, My child; – incense and myrrh of Mine! how I love you! I shall make you zealous for Me, your God, and loyal to My Commandments; I shall anoint you with My oil; O property of Mine, live in Me and allow Me to live in you! I am He whom you should never resist, never fail, never deny!
I am He who breathes in you Life! allow Me to invade you entirely, show no resistance to Me; am I not overwhelming you with favours? am I not consuming you entirely with My Flaming Fire of My Heart? have I not shown you to My angels and to the Holy ones living in My Assembly? have I ever deprived you from suffering, soul? hence, it is your due to Me now to love Me; it is your due, soul, to prostrate yourself to Me and adore Me; it is your due now to delight My Soul and receive Me in My Holy Sacrifice;
come … come… approach Me, allow Me to whisper now and then in your ear My Love for you; allow Me to caress you with My Tenderness; allow Me to caress you with My Blessings; come and lean your head on My Heart; you are not just My tablet, soul; you are also My beloved bride whom My Heart loves and desires to sing to you; My Voice is sweet; and My Heart, a Blazing Furnace of Love; and My Fragrance, attractive and delicate;
see how I come flying to you before you even open your lips and have the word in your mouth for Me? as a flower among the thistles, I have you now; as a net cast into the sea I have thrown you to catch souls for Me, your King;
if you do not know this, Vassula, My daughter, I tell you now: follow the marks of My Blood and take the Cross I have entrusted you with; follow the marks of My Blood, these marks you sought from your youth, 2 they will lead you to Me, into My Arms and into My Heart; O Vassula! I shall guard you like the Pupil of My Eye; I have lifted you from the pit to give you a place together with My predilected souls of My Heart; I have wed you to share My Cross as our matrimonial bed and henceforth made you Mine for eternity;
lower now your eyes before your King and Spouse; lower your eyes and allow My Hand to rest on your head to bless you; and breathe on you My sweet Sigh of Love on your forehead, the Breath of My Tenderness; My child, I would like to see you free from all worry; I am only waiting to be gracious to you; I am only waiting to hide you in My Sacred Heart forever, where you will find True Peace;