July 17, 1994

My child: “blessed, ah blessed one of My Soul, at the memory of your creation, I wept; I wept tears of joy; I had set you in your mother’s womb with a heart, to live and share My Glory; (July 17, 1994)

July 22, 1994

I have said: “although this generation has thrust itself so willingly at Satan’s feet, I, the Holy One, can never forget the memory of your creation and how at the memory of this instance My Father had shed tears of joy; this is why I will not stand by and watch this offspring of My Father take the shape of My Enemy; the Enemy may have attraction but it is deadly, whereas what I have to offer will bring you to your divinity and back into your Father’s Arms;” (July 22, 1994)

August 19, 1996

ah… have you not heard, how Our Creator, thrice Holy, triumphant over all, had wept with tears of joy while He was creating you? yes, it is this same God, who is the Most High, the great and living God, to whom you owe your life, who created you, that the world today has turned against Him; (August 19, 1996)

December 13, 1992

soon My Throne and of the Lamb will be in its place and your soul will be renewed with My Transcendent Light, because I, your Father, intend to restore the memory of your soul and make your heart sing to Me the word, Abba – Father! I tell you, you do not belong to the world, so why do you still allow yourselves to be deceived over and over again? (December 13, 1992)

February 11, 1992

I mean to deliver you from the clutches of the Evil one and restore the memory of your soul; I mean to open the hearts of stone, making them utter from henceforth noble praises for Me your God; (February 11, 1992)