This testimony comes from New Zealand.

About nine years ago I was working as an agricultural contractor — which was not a very lucrative past-time.. the deeper in debt I got the more work I took on, ending up trying to do 30 hours work in 24. I went to Church once a week to fulfil the Sunday obligation; which I now realise was only lip service to God, and my prayer life was virtually nonexistent. One thing that I had learnt was that the deeper I got into trouble, the more fervently I prayed, then when the crisis was passed I did not feel the need to pray any further.

I began reading TLIG at night whilst looking after the grain drier. Jesus’ words to Vassula completely changed my way of thinking and I was foolish enough to share them with two priests. I have never been so humiliated in all my life. I have purchased about 15 copies of TLIG and given them out to whoever wanted to read them. I read the Bible and ‘Poem of the Man-God’ twice. In the last nine years I have not read a ‘normal’ book, and I soon understood that all that was now appearing in print was not always from God. I then prayed to the Holy Spirit for the gift of discernment and now I get a ‘sense’ or ‘feeling’ as to which is right or which is wrong.

When the notification came out from the Vatican, I read TLIG again and was more firmly convinced than the first time. If TLIG is false then where am I heading? My prayer life has undergone a major change and I now renew the sacrifice of the Mass daily and go to Confession monthly, I love spending time in front of the Blessed Sacrament. I have not got into ‘celebrating the Liturgy’ as most do these days. To me the Mass is a re-enactment of Calvary and not a memorial celebration. I no longer work on Sundays and lead a much more relaxed life. I have consecrated my life to the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of Mary. I took all my children (6), to Medjugorje and gave them to the Blessed Virgin Mary.

A number of people have approached me and said ‘help’, and Jesus has helped them, using me as an instrument. A priest recently told one of those people that miracles do not happen in this day and age. I have got news for him! My life has been full of miracles in the past few years, because I now believe. It has not been easy to accept the ridicule, false accusations and judgements of people, but I would not have it any other way, after all, He died for love of me, which never ceases to amaze me.

When I hear the noise in Church after Mass and the noise in the world in general, I am reminded of Jesus’ words to Vassula ‘Tell them to lower their voices and they will hear Mine.’

How different the world would be, if people stored up riches in Heaven

with the same zeal with which they pursue money in this life.
Jesus for TLIG. May God bless you all. Be at peace.