We are all invited to become a living Altar for God.
God has given us a gift: The True Life in God messages; a great gift out of His boundless Mercy. God calls us to repentance, to prayer, to reconciliation and to a unity in diversity. Here is what the Father said:
“In these times of Grace, I come with Mercy and I address you with poetry; My Words uttered are religion and virtue; with oil of gladness I anoint all those who approach Me, sealing them on their foreheads; this is My approach to you all in these times; My approach is Redemption, Saving help, Mercy; (TLIG Messages, May 21, 2001)
Yes, God is All-Merciful, filled with compassion and love, and comes in this way among us, in spite of our wickedness He will still never abandon us. His Love is so great that He just could not resist Himself anymore and wait; He rushed out of Heaven to reach us and come as close to us as possible to save us! If you fall, He will lift you and carry you. You are sick? He will heal you. You feel abandoned and sad? He will run to you and comfort you. You are calumniated on His account? He will reward you greatly in Heaven, for He is a tender Father, most faithful and good. You are lost? He will search for you, find you and embrace you. For you are His child, His treasure, and He has your name engraved on His Heart. Therefore, it is clear that God’s merciful approach in this way, in our times is truly a great gift and a blessing to all of us.
Let us not forget how Christ in the TLIG Messages describes the Father, He says: “My Father is a King, yet so motherly; He is a judge, yet so tender and loving; He is the Alpha and the Omega, yet so meek.” (TLIG Messages, August 10, 1994)
In the TLIG Messages, God says the following: “if you want to be My child, I shall be your Father, if you want to be My bride, I shall be your Bridegroom, if you rebel against me, I shall be your Judge.” It is known that His severity is as great as His Mercy.
In reading these messages, they enlighten us to realize our sinfulness and our unworthiness in front of God. The TLIG Messages teach us that to be worthy of God, we have to repent. Repentance leads the soul from darkness into light, the Lord says, and to know God and God’s Will. It is the gate that leads our soul from darkness into the light. Repentance, the Lord says, allows His Holy Spirit to invade us and possess us!
We know how a great apostasy obliges our cathedrals to be sold. The Christian world is falling apart. This is why all Heaven is moving, concerned about us, and manifests prodigies as never before. So why are there still so many doubting Thomases? Jesus many times keeps telling me, ‘go and Christianize a de-Christianized society.’ He comes to revive us, to renew us, to change our hearts, to remind us of our true foundations and to whom we belong. He comes to unite His disembodied body, that is divided, telling us that ‘Ecclesia shall revive!’ (TLIG Messages, May 18, 1994)
He is known to take any means to reach us, in different manners, to educate us and turn us into true apostles of these End of Times to witness a Resurrected Christ and give Glory to His Holy Name. God does not want tepid Christians, because that flame within them is flickering and about to extinguish, so He sends His Holy Spirit to put aflame each heart into a vivid flame. In other words, He is renewing His creation…
Giving Glory to God
He has chosen us, we did not choose Him. He commissions anyone who is willing to go out and bear fruit that lasts.
Yes, each one of us on this earth has been given a mission the Lord says. Our primary mission is to love God and to serve Him and love one another — doing good for the rest of our lives and glorifying God. God does not mind our weakness; in fact, He can do great things in our weakness. He will show His power and His strength and where we lack He will fill. What He needs, so He says, is a pure and contrite heart that will give Him glory, so He wants us to die to our ego and our will, this is what He says:
In your weakness you inherit My strength; in your submissiveness you inherit My Will; in your total effacement you become heirs of My Image; in your poverty, you inherit what the sages are looking for but can never inherit it, you inherit My Wisdom; (TLIG Messages, June 29, 1994)
-My delight is in every pure heart;
-My joy is when I see your eyes seeking only heavenly things;
-My glory is when you come to Me and tell me: “here I am… here I am,” offering your heart to Me to transfigure it into My domain and then reign over it;
-My magnificence and My splendour are when you keep My sanctuary holy, turning it into a glorious domain for My Majesty;
-My Sovereignty is when in your wretchedness and in your poverty you can cry out: “hosanna! hosanna! To the King who saved us for eternity!”
-This is My Glory... (TLIG Messages, June 10, 1994)
To serve God is to serve others who are in need. (…) God is most generous and does not limit His generosity to only a few privileged souls, but extends it always to everyone, giving Himself without reserve to the whole of His creation. He gives and gives without us asking. All God asks of us is: goodwill, a lenient and contrite heart, and an effort from our side to do His Will. The Sacred Heart has so many treasures, asking us to obtain them, as they are for us.
“…creation, open your eyes to contemplate My Sacred Heart, open your eyes and your heart to the marvels engraved in My Heart; I will not hide My inestimable Treasures from you; although you are an exile, I shall open the door of My Heart and when your eyes will contemplate in your misery the majesty of My Heart, your soul will be overcome with an incessant longing for My rulings, and My decrees will become your delight and your counselors; (TLIG Messages, November 28, 1996)
The gift of Love
God reminds us that the Will of the Father is to Love, for on Judgment Day we shall all be judged according to the measure of the love we had here on earth. Jesus says: Everyone who loves, knows God. Divine Love is the principal virtue, the Lord says, because from love sprouts all the other Virtues. Love is to live in the truth, the Lord says:
“the greater the gift of Love, the more your knowledge of God is complete; the more your love is ardent for God, the more your prayers are ardent; the more perfect your love, the more your life is holy; Love delights in the Truth.”
God the Father said in a TLIG Message: “…love is above all; to love is to do My Will; it is your entry key to My Kingdom in Heaven; if you claim you are living in Me and have no love, then you cannot say you are living in Me: a true life in Me is to be living the same kind of life as Christ lived;” (TLIG Messages, February 25, 1998)
Love is self-giving and is above every virtue. The Lord says that it is our entry key to heaven. Few are those that love God as asked of us in the first Commandment, and as He wants us to love Him. And fewer still are those who understand God and know Him in an intimate way. It is one thing to believe in God, and another to know God and understand God. Even the demons believe in God, but have no love for Him. Many preach and talk about God, but yet do not know God in an intimate way, never ever having had an experience with God. And you can tell that because they have no fire within them, no discernment either. Failure to know God is a sin. In Jeremiah 9: 22-23 God says:
Let the sage boast no more of his wisdom, nor the valiant of his valor, nor the rich man of his riches! But if anyone wants to boast, let him boast of this: of understanding Me and knowing Me.”
The Lord says to us in the TLIG Messages : “you will ask, «and what is it to understand God? To understand Me is the first principle of Wisdom; It is to acknowledge Me as your God and to fear Me. To fear Me is avoidance of all evil; it is as well to have seen Me with your spiritual eyes while still on earth; (TLIG Messages, January 20, 2001)
So, what went wrong?
The Apostasy
Today’s world has fallen away from God. Many have made out of God a frozen, petrified and dead God — A mummy in a museum. Many today, who have apostatized treat God as a lifeless image, or that He is somewhere up there enjoying His own His Glory; someone who does not listen to us, and why?
Because they have intellectualized Him, turning God into just a printed word on a page in the Scriptures. And when Christ proves Himself to be alive and descends to be among us and speak to us, stepping out from His icons, many freak-out in panic and so reject Him! They are the doubting Thomases of our times. Do we want Him dead? Our Lord warns us to come out of our comfort zone, out of our cocoon, out of our lethargy, and out of our spiritual death! He wants to wake us up from our deep coma and revive us; therefore, it is our duty to be witness of the Love of God and remind this apostatized world of a Resurrected Christ, alive, speaking to us, begging us to change our hearts and to return to Him. His Love which is prodigious and so great, so powerful that He cannot anymore be contained and remain silent, forces Him to manifest Himself to us! His Love cannot remain silent, so He rushes to us and uses all means to save us, to pull us from our hair, out of the tar of our sin!
Jesus asks us:
“…can flowers survive without any water? then why do so many of you today refuse the flow of My Holy Spirit and doubt that this Water rising from My throne is coming from Me?” (TLIG Messages, February 11, 1992)
Our Blessed Mother: “God is calling everyone to Himself; try to understand God’s Call of Peace, I exhort you to pray for Peace, be zealous for Peace; blessed children, let Me tell you once more that I need your prayers of Peace, for I take them all and offer them as a bouquet of spring flowers to the Almighty…indeed the earth, without your fervent prayers of Peace, will feel Satan’s vomit pour out to blow away the little light that is left in you;” (TLIG Messages, January 31, 1991)
These are the signs of the End of Times. There is a real spiritual battle lashing out right now in which we are all participants. I’ve explained it in my book called Heaven is Real but so is Hell.
We have learned, as I wrote in my book, that these evil forces want the destruction of both our body and more importantly, the destruction of our soul. Satan would love to see us spend eternity in hell with him and his demons, and suffer as they suffer. They would do everything they can to damage God’s creation: the wars, the crimes, the hatred of one nation against the other, all these things are in some way manipulations of the devil.
We must start examining ourselves; and if you ask how, here is what the Virgin Mary, our Blessed Mother says:
“when you come and pray (in pilgrimages) do you come with a clean heart? have you ceased to do evil? are you in peace with your neighbour? have you confessed and repented truly of your sins? have you blessed your enemies and forgiven them? have you repaid evil with love? are you indeed ready to meet the Lord with your hands full of good works?” (TLIG Messages, October 10, 1990)
Our Blessed Mother had given us a message some time ago in which she was asking us for acts of reparation, for prayers, and for sacrificial love; otherwise, God’s anger will lash out a Chastisement of Fire. God asks us to live His Words and put them into practice. If we do not decide for God, and if whatever task we do in our life we do not offer to God with love, when the day comes when we will be facing Him in Heaven, He will not recognize us. Why?
Because we will not be dressed with Christ.
Everything we do, whether we dress, we sleep, breathe, cook, drink or eat, laugh or cry, have God constantly in mind and thirst for God. This becomes the unceasing prayer that Jesus asks of us. To long for Him, to desire Him to thirst for Him, a prayer without words, but it is our heart that speaks that glorifies Him.
Let us not be like those who love to be served, and those whom I call “takers” when they should be “givers.” Are we like those who as soon as they hear of a new apparition or a new revelation run to it? Like butterflies that go from flower to flower? Let us see what Jesus says in the TLIG Messages and what He will ask us when we meet Him:
“Show Me your hands … then look at Mine … My Hands have done many good works that are not recorded in The Book; no king has ever been known to have served his subordinates as I, who am the King of kings, served; «My state was divine, yet I did not cling to My equality with God but emptied Myself to assume the condition of a slave;» I shall know My own in this way, when they will empty themselves and follow My divine Will; (TLIG Messages, January 28, 1997)
Yes, everything will be uncovered and open to the Eyes of the One to whom we must give an account of ourselves. But there would be some who would say, «But I have not enough time and fortitude to accomplish such acts…»
Did not Jesus say once in the TLIG Messages: «Do your best and I will do the rest.» (TLIG Messages, October 14, 1991) But if one does not even try, or put even the slightest effort, how do you expect to progress?
The Lord asks from each one of us prayers and good works. The biggest service we can render God is to bring one soul back to Him! Bringing one soul to God is an action through which many of our sins then are forgiven. The Lord wants us to progress and never fall into complacency lest a lethargic spirit comes upon us. The Lord warns us to stay awake, He says:
“My poor children, the day when you will be Face to face with your Creator, you will be standing in front of His Throne empty-handed because your soul will be still a wilderness, a parched land, a desert; but if you penetrate with the right heart into the Mysteries We reveal to you now in these Messages, you will start to understand that every work that God is doing is full of Glory and Majesty;” (TLIG Messages, April 4, 1997)
The Lord says that we must not anymore remain in sin after this.
“if you remain in this sin it is the same as though you tell Me: “Master, I prefer to remain in my tomb; I chose to remain dead and live among the dead;” your flesh is already putrefying, you are decaying, and you still refuse Life? to deny your sin is similar as to deny Life; come instead by My side and by the side of the saints and of those on earth who are nearing perfection, who are serene while in their contemplation to Me, whom I saturate in ineffable riches and celestial mysteries;” (TLIG Messages, September 8, 2002)
“I want all those who love Me to pray, pray, pray, for this Rebellion to come to Its end; I wish to encourage My friends to proceed with their good works; I bless all those who scatter My grains of Peace and Love; trust Me all the way to the end;” (TLIG Message, October 5, 1988)