In Vassula’s new letter about TLIG centers, she speaks about the garden in Sweden where the main center is hoped to be created.

Below are links to a page of photos of the garden and to a short video clip of it:

Video of the Main Center’s Premises

As some of you have heard tat TLIG is looking to establish centers. Each center that is offered and accepted will function in the spirituality of TLIG.

We have already been offered  to have a center in Spain near Bilbao in a monastery called Santa Cruz and run by the Bridgitine sisters. They offer a whole floor. There is another place in Portugal that is in a place called Requiao where father Milheiro abides. We have been offered also a place in southern Sweden near a small town called Kivik, pronounced Shivik. It is by the sea. The place is closer to Copenhagen than to Stockholm so many Europeans can travel by car to reach it.

This latter one is offered by Samuel and Maria Cavallin. They own a big property with apple groves, and lots of space. These people have been faithful followers of True life in God for a very, very long time and they offered to give part of their land for a center. It can be made as a main center because it will be containing many things from my house, like the relics that I had received, icons, gifts, certificates of appreciation, all the archives, and the original manuscripts as well, so hence, we can call it the main center.

I am sending some pictures of the premises so that you can look at them to have an idea of what it is, and to see its size and the garden. We still have to build a conference room and library as well as another part of a building for the archives. As for the original notebooks, they will probably go into a safe in a chapel on the premises.

I am actually writing this note from Sweden, at this location with Isabelle and Beatrice, and discussing with them a lot more about what will be the designated arrangements.

The garden has to be completed. It is not yet completed and Samuel Cavallin is working on his own. It is a huge garden. I am asking that if anyone among you who has experience in gardening and is willing to be a volunteer to go and help, please contact David Armitage ([email protected])

Any help will be very much appreciated. We need somebody strong who knows a little bit about gardening so that Samuel does not have to teach the volunteer; and so they can work together instead. So is there, among all of us, anybody who would be willing to help construct the garden of the future main center? The volunteer would be staying on the premises. It will be volunteer work, but he or she would be living with the family, eating with the family, and he/she would be lodged there.

To build these places will require funds — we have already received some money from benefactors for these projects, which was sent to the foundation account in Geneva. It is an account which is separated from the main foundation account, so any financial help will be very much appreciated so as to be able to create and complete the centers. If anybody is sending a contribution, please  specifically mention that it is for the centers.

Centers will be used for retreats as well, with any number of people, according to the size of the center. For instance, at the Swedish Center, which will be the main one, although the space is big there are no rooms for lodging. The important part of it will have the original notebooks in which the messages were received. In the event of any retreat in Sweden, there will be possibilities to lodge in small hotels very near the center. There are small hotels, simple ones in the area, and there is a big place, a hall nearby, which can be rented for conferences.

So, in coming back to the original question, if there is anybody willing to be a volunteer for any period of time to help complete the garden, please make yourself known. Thank you so much. May God bless you.

If anybody needs more information, please forward us your questions- thank you.

In Christ,