Beth Myriam Malawi was launched in November 2023, at the main house in Mangochi diocese, under the responsibility of the Sisters of the Merciful Heart of Mary: a group founded by the late bishop Alessandro Assolari. Sr. Eva Kangaude is the Beth Myriam coordinator. A month before the Beth Myriam began, the sisters were establishing TLIG prayer groups in the Mangochi, Dedza and Balaka districts of Malawi. These prayer groups are composed of persons who read the TLIG Messages, and love to learn more about them by coming together. Most of the participants at these TLIG prayer meetings are poor and simple people. The Beth Myriam projects are organized in the previously mentioned areas through the collaboration of the TLIG readers. This feeding project entails giving monthly food packs to families in need, and feeding already prepared nutritious snacks to children on Saturdays. In Malawi, Maize flour forms the back bone of every meal. Thin porridge made from it is taken for breakfast, and given to children as snacks; thick porridge is eaten with relish as lunch and supper. Thus, the food pack has maize flour, sugar, salt and soya pieces. The Saturday snack for children is a nutritious natural juice from baobab, hibiscus, sabdarifa and tamarind, while the scones are fortified with sweet potato and carrot flour.
The Beth Myriam has proven to be a very efficacious tool of evangelisation and the spreading of the TLIG Messages in these areas. Many thanks go to Mr. Rui Francisco, who was the previous coordinator of the TLIG prayer groups and book distribution in Malawi. He generously contributed funds so that one million copies of the TLIG Messages could be published in the local language, Chichewa, which are now being read and distributed.
The children happily enjoying their nutritious snacks
Distribution of the monthly food packages
Doreen Namasina’s story
Doreen is a 49 year old widow, born in Dedza, Malawi; Africa. As a young girl she was given over to her great-grandmother: to live with her and take care of her. She was a very obedient, hardworking, and cheerful girl. She was schooled by the grandmother, but she refused to continue primary education, and dropped-out of school when she was 15 years old. Soon, the great- grandmother died and Doreen got married. Since then, she has had four husbands and the latest one passed away early this year. In the course of marrying and remarrying, she developed an addiction to alcohol, suffers depression, and is on life-prolonging medicine. She has reached a state where-by she can’t farm to produce her food, nor can she do any menial work to earn an income. She relies on her other poor relatives to feed her, and most of the time steals their food or belongings, so as to sell them to buy alcohol. She is constantly rebuked and chastised by her relatives. She has two grown sons who have since left her, one to look for work in South Africa, and the other to stay with a relative in town. Neither of the sons send her any assistance. She partially resides with a mentally-challenged, epileptic teenage son. She was invited and has joined the TLIG prayer group. The prayer group’s members try to help her overcome her alcohol addiction and her depression. She is also a beneficiary of the Beth Myriam feeding program, and was very grateful when she received the True Life in God book containing the TLIG Messages, along with the Beth Myriam food pack.
TLIG volunteer giving Doreen the food pack
Feed one child
Every child deserves food. If you cannot feed 100 children, feed just one. With as little as $18 per month, a week’s worth of coffee, you can provide all that a child needs. Think of that. What good you will do to a soul with so little money.
Thank you for your loving interest and care towards feeding the poor and needy.