We would like to thank everyone who attended the TLIG International Prayer Meeting on Sunday January 21, 2024 to pray the four Rosary Mysteries for: Christian unity— that all denominations be of one mind, one spirit, and one body, celebrating around one tabernacle; to unify the date of Easter, for Vassula’s birthday, and for peace in Israel/Gaza/Palestine/Lebanon and Ukraine/Russia. In addition, we want to thank those who attend our daily prayer meeting, for their invaluable support, participation and love.

Tim opened the prayer meeting with a beautiful welcome and intention for the prayers. There were over 1,500 views live-streamed and 579 joined the TLIG link. The maximum average who stayed connected was 326, plus 25 active prayer participants, approximately 1,850 in total attendance. To date, as in the writing of this report, the YouTube views are up by 200 views to 1.7K. Prayers were offered in 9 languages: English, Russian, Armenian, French, Portuguese, Greek, Arabic, Aramaic and Latin.

The Bible and TLIG random readings were: Acts 3:19 and October 25, 1991. The Bible reading asked us to “repent and be converted…” The TLIG reading said: “…do not give up, carry My Cross of Unity from nation to nation and be My Echo to refresh the memories of My people;” and “Am I, Father, to drink one more season of the Cup of their division?” Both passages reflected the urgency to be converted and live a holy life, in unity with all our brothers and sisters as Christ’s time is near.

Let us again, thank and praise Our Lord for His precious gift: the True Life in God Messages, and ask Him to open and change our hearts as only He can.

Tim closed the meeting with heartfelt thanksgiving and praise for Our Lord Jesus Christ.

Abundant blessings,

Tim & Janet