Testimony 15

14 October 1998 08:57

This very unusual testimony comes from a 9 year old child who relates her experience at the meeting Vassula held in Abingdon, England last year. The handwritten testimony was presented with the following introduction from the girl’s mother:

I am sending you the testimony of my 9 year old daughter, Francesca, and I can assure you that everything that is written, comes from her alone. I told her to write all that happened to her at Abingdon. I’m sure she is not making it up — she takes these things seriously.

When Vassula came round to bless us I was repeating «I love you

Jesus» over and over again — I didn’t want to fall down. Suddenly as
Vassula blessed me I saw Jesus. I was amazed. Afterwards my
mother asked me what Jesus looked like, but I realized that no words
were perfect enough to describe him. As I thought about it on my

own I remembered that Jesus had seemed to be giving me a message. Before looking straight at me he looked round at the other people in the barn. Then he looked at me and said «I LOVE YOU». What I thought the message was, was this: «I LOVE YOU ALL»

Then a strange feeling overtook me and I felt as if I had entered into another world. But as Jesus started to disappear, and I came back into our world, I suddenly noticed that this world looked different from when I had entered: it looked dirty. So I thought the dirt was all the evil and sin that there is in this world. The reason that the other world had looked so clean was that the people who lived there were pure and had no dirt of sin in their hearts. At first when we went back home from the meeting I didn’t want to say anything about it to anybody but then it all came out.