The Resurrection
04 May 1999 16:58
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This is Fr. Werenfried van Straaten’s April message <>
St Paul leaves us in no doubt: » .. How can some of you say that there is no Resurrection of the dead? But if there is no Resurrection of the dead, then Christ has not been raised; if Christ has not been raised, then our preaching is in vain and your faith is in vain… But in fact Christ has been raised from the dead, the first fruits of those who have fallen asleep» (1 Cor 15: 12-14, 20). Alleluia — this is the reality, the glorious reality of the children of God. Christ has opened up the way to the Father for us. This is the truth.
It is a truth that we cannot grasp with our hands, but only with «the heart, the innermost consciousness» (John Paul II). Jesus has said to us, «… I am with you always, to the close of the age» (Matt 28: 20).
We can recognise Him, as did the 21 disciples of Emmaus, at the breaking of the bread, the sharing. The two weary disciples did not have much, but what they had they wanted to share; the circumstances suggested it, for the day was already nearing its end. How often we fail to recognise the grace of the present moment, and His nearness, because we are simply too caught up with our own personal hopes and desires. But when we really listen, really open our hearts and are ready to share with the stranger, then we too receive what the evangelist puts in these words, in the story of the road to Emmaus, «So he went in to stay with them » (Luke 24:29).
The risen Lord does not ask the impossible of us, and what He asks He gives us the grace to accomplish. Before the empty tomb He enlightens the memory of the women: «Why do you seek the living among the dead? He is not here, but has risen. Remember how He told you… » (Luke 24: 5- 6). When Mary Magdalen, taking Him for the gardener, asks Him to take her to the body of Jesus, He opens her eyes by calling her by her name (John 20: 16).
Of the Apostles we read: «Afterwards He appeared to the eleven themselves as they sat at table; and he upbraided them for their unbelief and hardness of heart, because they had not believed those who saw Him after He had risen» (Mark 16: 14). Our hardness of heart, our lack of faith, our immersion in the cares of every day — this is what dims our gaze for the reality of the Resurrection. And it is this weakness which the enemy exploits in order to sow doubt and confusion. It is hard for mere man to believe in the greatness of God. But God does not leave us to ourselves. He waits patiently until our hearts begin to burn, He shows us, again and
again, people with whom we can share our bread and so | celebrate the |
Resurrection together. He is there. However great | the misery, however |
blinded our hearts, however saddened and confused our | awareness, the |
Resurrection is a fact — a certainty that brings salvation, enduringly | |
effective. Death has been overcome. This gives us | hope, enlivens our |
faith and opens our hearts wide to the perspective of | love. |
Thanks to Easter, our actions are of eternal value, even though they may be no more than the widow’s mite, just as long as they are done in the spirit of this love. For without Easter, love would have no point. «Our hearts are restless ’till they rest in Thee» ‘ writes St Augustine in his Confessions. The Resurrection of Jesus, this truth, has opened the way for us to find rest in God.
It is not a path to be trodden alone. The disciples of Emmaus show us the way. They «constrain Him» saying «Stay with us… » (Luke 24: 29). And Jesus stayed with them and gave them the opportunity to share. And still today He is with us and He gives us opportunities without number to share and be sharers in His love, His truth. So many seminaries are still to be built in the spiritual wastelands of Eastern Europe; the radiance of His truth can shine again in the hearts of the people when the priests give absolution and drive out the devil, the father of lies and of evil, and when they strengthen souls with the other sacraments. So many young people wait to be rescued from the drugs that tear their hearts to shreds.
With your help, Father Hans is giving them new hope. In them too we meet
Christ. Or again in China, Sudan, India and Indonesia, where Christians
are persecuted and killed for their Faith. Or in Rwanda, where the
Daughters of the Resurrection, almost uniquely by their very name proclaim
faithfulness to Our Lord. The Lord is near to us in their need. His
love urges us forward.
And it is good that it does. Do not resist; allow yourselves to be moved to action by Him and by your faith in the goodness in man, so that, through our sharing, more and more people may recognise the truth of the Resurrection and the infinite goodness of God towards us, His people.