Friday, June 27, 2003 10:07 AM
An Invitation
A hearty welcome to everybody: Father Gerhard Wenzel and TLIG — Germany want to invite you to a TLIG retreat similar to that in Puerto Rico, which was a really extraordinary experience that encourages and pushes us to arrange it for our TLIG Family in Europe. It will be from 5th — 11th September in Bühl near Baden — Baden. (1 hour away from Frankfurt to the south) The house is in a really beautiful place in the Black Forrest. The language will be mostly English and only sometimes German. The costs are 250 Euro for 6 days all inclusive.
Speakers of this retreat are:
Fr. Daniel Gagnon, Mexico, former director of the Major Seminary of Mexico-Guatemala-Cuba for the Oblates of Mary Immaculate, Director of the Archidiocesan Commission for the Doctrine of Faith. Author of 16 books. International Ecclesial Assesor for the New Evangelization Apostolate. Has been on EWTN (Mother Angelica) several times in Spanish. Has given Retreats and conferences throughtout Latin america.
Fr. John Abberton, England, spiritual guide of TLIG-England.
Rev. Sverker Tronêt, Sweden, ev. Lutheran Church of Sweden, very active in TLIG-Sweden.
Thomas Paul, India. He is a very well known Catholic Charismatic Renewal preacher. A resident of Ernakulam Archdiocese, Kerala. Br. Thomas Paul conducts growth retreats for Charismatic prayer group leaders, lay evangelists, religious sisters, priests and bishops both in India and abroad. Generation healing and sanctification are his central themes.
Please inform those in your prayergroups who might be interested. Now everybody who is interested to come please reply to this address: [email protected] Everybody is welcome who is thirsty for the dwell of life: come let us gather together and pray and sing around one single Tabernacle that the Lord will anoint us with His Spirit thrice holy. Then we will gain strength and all the graces we need to do His Divine Will! Fr. Gerhard Wenzel and Barbara Sierp-Karasch For better understanding I want to send you my testimony of the retreat in Puerto Rico The retreat was really great! It was so enriched by the graces of our Lord; such a big anointing by the Holy Spirit! We had wonderful divine orthodox and catholic offices. And we were united like a real family. Eugene Nicolau and Bishop Stephan (Orthodox) celebrated some orthodox offices as the Blessing of bread, wine and oil, which is not to be mixed up with the Divine Liturgy (Holy Eucharist); the Blessing of the water (reminding of the baptism) and the celebration for the dead, (prayers for those who are in the purgatory). They explained it to us, so that we really could understand and follow it. And they taught us how to answer etc. Bishop Stephan prayed even for Pope John Paul II. I had the feeling there were no differences between Orthodox and Catholics only that we (catholic) know too little about the orthodox liturgy. We loved them to teach us about the orthodox rosary, about the ‘design’ of an orthodox church, the icons and the symbols of letters on them. We dared hardly to breathe in fear we could miss any word. There were many speeches about our lovely Mother Mary, the Holy Spirit, His Gifts, and Unity etc, etc. And of course Vassula was at best! Once when she spoke about our Father in heaven a very strong and heavy rain started to fall down and many drops came in like a drizzle. In that moment I thought «the rain is like the graces we get from Heaven now. Many, many…» Like a confirmation a few minutes later Vassula read a message from the Father about the graces He pours out on us like never before! When the message ended the rain stopped as well… I could not understand the speeches of Fr. Daniel and Fr. Teofilo, because they were in Spanish. But as usual in a retreat the Holy Spirit doesn’t work only with our brain, so I didn’t care and I felt I was right. It was the Holy Spirit who talked to our spirit through them, so the words were not so important! We had Healing prayers and very impressive individual blessings. Nearly all of us went to confession (The Lord was so kind to arrange for me a German speaking priest!) and we had wonderful hours of adoration of the Holy Sacrament! Everybody was so kind and peaceful and we had a great joy together. There was so much love in the air that it seemed one could grasp it. I had the very strong feeling as if our Lord has opened a new page for us and the church! Today I opened the messages at random and I got this: Nov 2nd, 1989: A Heavenly Church The Lord is constantly these days showing me the «three iron bars». This time I see them in a bright orangey colour, because they seem to be very hot. «My Vassula, with My Fire and with the power of My Flame, not only will I soften these iron bars, but with My Breath, I shall melt them altogether and form them into one solid bar forever and ever, then you will all reach the fullest knowledge of My Will and My Understanding. This will be My Gift to you, a heavenly Church. It will be Radiant with My Glory and your hymns shall be sung around one Single Tabernacle and your land of ghosts shall revive again, transfigured and resurrected.»
Yes, that was what it was like: A Heavenly Church! Barbara Sierp-Karasch, Germany,
3rd June 2003