Philippines Beth Myriam

Fri 7/20/2001 1:54 PM

Fr. Richie R. Santos sends the following letter. Anyone who would like to contribute to this and other Beth Myriams can do so be going to the web page /bmdonations.html where details of how to contribute are provided.

We thank the whole TLIG family for praying for our Beth Myriam here in the Philippines. Formally operating since October 9, 2000 after the September 9, 2000 solemn blessing by His Excellency Archbishop Disodado A. Talamayan of the Archdiocese of Tuguegarao, it has been feeding on a daily basis a regular number of thirty indigent persons who children, teenagers and adults. Tuao is a small agricultural town of mostly economically poor families who are mostly farmers and jobless people. A very strong typhoon devastated their rice fields two weeks ago. Beth Myriam is not just a feeding center for the stomach but more so for the soul. Every Friday we have consistently fed them with TLIG food. Our prayer meeting starts at 3:00 pm.

They know how to pray the Rosary a la TLIG, slow and reflective. Having slowly overcome their shyness they share their insights and experience in the light of the chosen Gospel passage and the message of True Life In God. Filled with spiritual manna in their spirits, then they cue for their physical food. They are also being given medical attention for free. We have been keeping record of their attendance especially by families with an appropriate personal and family profile. In this manner we become more intimate with them. They have grown in their knowledge and practice of the messages of the True Life In God. They really get excited when Friday comes. The biggest reason why their attendance could not be that regular has been the pressure to attend to their family needs.

As of now, we have to feed them under trees for our shelter is so narrow and small. During rainy days they either stay in the clinic or in our house. The people coming for the Friday meeting are growing in number. Some of them walk from far-flung barrios while others can come if they have money to pay for their transportation. During this rainy season from June to November we will be seeing a lessening of number which was swelling from February to May. We are appealing to the TLIG family which has been generous with the charity of your prayers — for this we are truly grateful. Please assist us financially in our present needs:

1. A bigger shelter for our prayer meeting/ feeding center 2. Tables and chairs for the shelter 3. Upkeep of the Beth Myriam especially constant food supply 4. TLIG books 5. transportation for Beth Myriam people

The members of the TLIG vineyards here in Tuao are very thankful to the Lord and to Mother Mary for the graces being bestowed on all of us. The Beth Myriam volunteers could really feel the love of our Lord, the Good Shepherd for the alleviation of the hunger of our people and for the nourishment of their hungry souls through the True LIfe in God messages.There is no going back in our evangelization. These people have fallen in love with the messages and with God through the messages.

Trusting in the Love of God,
Dr. & Mrs. German C. de Laza TLIG — Tuao, Cagayan, Philippines

In the Two Hearts,
Fr. Richie R. Santos, SDB
TLIG Phils. Association