A video of Vassula’s funeral will shortly become available, but, in the meantime, a short video clip of the funeral is provided below, along with a testimony that was read out during the funeral ceremony, on October 1, 2024. The testimony was written by the hermit nun who had provided Vassula, many years ago, with the explanation for the unusual punctuation used in the original handwritten messages. See the article ‘Recognisably Jewish‘ on the TLIG website.

Please see the Video clip during the funeral>>


The world has lost one of the major and greatest prophets since the presence of such Old Testament prophets as Isaiah, Jeremiah, etc. The great Love Hymn of the Heart of Christ has been sung through her to the churches and the world. She will help from heaven now for the union of the churches of both east and west. Unity comes from God by the power of the Holy Spirit and advances. This beautiful and noble soul will now intercede for us before the face of the Father. The resurrection of the church that we all desire so ardently will be facilitated by the unity and holiness of the eastern and western churches, and attain the fullness of truth in perfect unity.

She, with God, has built the foundations of unity, and we can pray with and to her now for the Holy Spirit to build upon the fountains of truth in the eastern and western churches for a full and glorious union. She sacrificed so much, and I dare to say, while she is not canonically recognized as a saint, I, in my personal life, consider her without hesitation St. Vassula and pray to her as such in my personal prayers.

She will have a great reunion with Fathers Rene Laurentin, Michael O’Carroll, John Abberton and others now; and they, no doubt, are already rejoicing with joy and exultation together with all the angels and saints. Her constant universal mission and journeys all over the world — even to countries that did not believe in Jesus Christ — drew people near to her message from God. We have all seen the photos in the magazines over the years of those huge crowds and all the denominations, church leaders and lay people coming to her to hear God’s TLIG message.

Her conversion began with God revealing Himself to her, and she, seeing herself as a putrefied corpse lying in a desert in the sight of God. She obeyed the holy angel Daniel who was her guide, and obeyed all that our beloved Jesus Christ asked of her. Those who know the Bible recognise, in the words Jesus spoke to her, the words of the Holy Spirit. So beautifully and naturally are the words interwoven, as Jesus reveals Himself as the Word of God who spoke to and through Vassula, so that His wondrous Love Hymn be sung to the hearts of all persons.

Jesus said that all who read His words may replace Vassula’s name with theirs because He was speaking to everyone. That beauteous Love Hymn of Christ is meant for every heart. Jesus wants its echo to reverberate through the rifts and valleys in every human heart — that they might know His deepest Love and let it flow through the country of their hearts; that they might and discover His Love as the living waters that bring them to full union with Him through contrition and charity; that they might have holy joy in the Holy Spirit and experience the freedom of the children of God.

May this Canticle of Love Jesus sings to us individually ever reverberate in our hearts, for it is the sung Word of the Son of the eternal Father. May our love for our brothers and sisters in all the churches of east and west be a cause for our petitions to God, and may we come to know and love dearly the saints of the eastern and western churches. May the great multitude in heaven, who rejoice forever and dance with delight and unending joy, welcome Vassula and shower her with all blessings; and may they rain down upon earth like confetti from her great marriage with the Lamb.

Great things happen when great saints enter their eternal reward in heaven. Let us not miss out on all the blessings that can descend upon all of us for the spreading of the TLIG messages and the multiplication of the TLIG prayer groups. Indeed, they will increase. May our prayers be the loudspeakers of this great prophetic TLIG Love Song of our God that extend to all the people of earth; may they be like Vassula, who, under God’s direction, literally went out to all the earth with faithfulness and constancy, irrespective of her health and age.