October 9, 1994
Lord, I trust You. You are my Advisor.
What a gift! What a gift to be able to serve a King!
Open my heart to give ear to Your knowledge
so that I make Your teachings known to everyone.
Vassula, peace be with you; have I not written with you more than a hundred note-books1 for all of you, to teach you My sound knowledge? you are going to minister for Me in My House; I will not fail you; I will send you My Advocate and He will remind you all that I have taught you; 2 I shall continue to use you as My mouthpiece till the end; glorify your Holy One; let your mouth be like a sword and pierce open the hearts of mankind …. followers I need in these times and I have so few;
sacrileges are augmenting, daughter, and My people give less and less importance to My Blessed Sacrament; pray to the Father that He may pour His graces on this generation; although many have turned their backs to Me, My Voice can draw them back to Me, so continue to be My Echo …. My lambs need to hear the Shepherd’s call to return to the fold;
— I give you My command: do not keep back My calls, for My Interests go before your interests; allow Me to irrigate this desert before My Day comes; allow Me to sanctify My sons and daughters; I have opened heaven’s reserves to pour out on you My Celestial Manna, abundantly; I swore to leave no one poor nor hungry, for My Blessings are riches, My Love satisfying and the Breath of My Spirit medicinal;
leave My gates open by showing Me obedience and fidelity and many who have fallen will rise and will go with My Spirit proclaiming My Mercy; come and draw from My Heart; in here3 lie all My Riches; your weakness is ineffable, but what joy! for I am King in your weakness; My Spirit will guide now your step; learn how I work;
— be blessed you who carry My Word; ic;