August 24, 1989


I am; little one, one kind look, one little smile from you and My Heart rebounds with joy!

(Later on.)

Vassula, bless Me and praise Me; flower, are you happy to be with Me? learn that My Name will be glorified again;

Yes, my Lord, I am happy at what You have done and Your great achievements are a blessing for us all.

then, My child, proclaim My Name around the globe so that everyone may know that My Name is LOVE;

Lord, allow me to read to You a Psalm of David called… (I opened at random) …»Hymn of Praise to Yahweh the King». Ps. 145.

I have chosen this Psalm, so that you read it out to Me; read, My Vassula, looking at Me; I am listening,

(I read to the Lord the Psalm.)

come, pray, fast, read My Word; receive Me in Holy Communion; pray the Rosary; adore Me; we, us?


(Later on that night:)

Shall we go and rest, my Lord?

yes, let us rest, but with one condition, that I rest in your heart and you in My Sacred Heart;

(This made me smile and bounce with joy.)

Yes, my Lord! I bless You, Jesus.

I bless you, flower; come;