June 11, 1993
(Omaha — U.S.A.)
My child, My child, I give you My Peace; give Me the liberty to use your hand, give Me the liberty to use your lips, give Me the liberty to use your mind and your heart, allow Me to invade you, how else would you be My Echo to transmit My Messages if My Spirit would not invade your spirit? how would a branch of a vine live unless it gets its sap from the vine? cut it off from the Vine and you will see how quickly it will wither;
My Holy Spirit is like a sap flowing inside you keeping you alive; this is the way, daughter, you should rely on My Holy Spirit, the Giver of Life, the Giver of faithful love, the Giver of joy and peace; yes, My Holy Spirit is the Fire which bends and melts hearts to follow My Instructions, turning away your eyes from pointless images; My Holy Spirit is the generous giver of My Words making your whole mind and heart seek for Wisdom;
wholeheartedly entreat for the gifts of My Holy Spirit especially in these times; He will be your Torch to rescue you from Death and keep your feet from stumbling and oh! what would My Holy Spirit not do for you! My Holy Spirit will lead you to pass your life in My Presence and in the courts of My Kingdom; My Holy Spirit is essential to reconstruct My Church, He is:
The Cornerstone of My Church
but your generation is rejecting it; 1 I tell you again, the builders are there, but they have to be formed and instructed; hurry up and rebuild My Church by using every stone and do not forget the essential one, do not reject the cornerstone! and now, My child, repeat after Me:
Lord, I am yours,
save me and save my brethren too
through your Redemptive Love;