Vassula sends the following urgent request:

The Feast of the Immaculate Conception is on the 8th December.

We all know from what Jesus said in His messages of TLIG that we are passing through a dark period, because of the sins of the world that until now many have not yet understood that repentance will end this evil. They have still not turned to God for help nor have they made peace with Him.

Jesus warned us years back of this pandemic and how the Church would go into great tribulations by having His House locked from the faithful to go in, and for prohibiting them to receive the Holy Communion, just like a communistic regime. He couldn’t have been clearer. The ‘invisible’ enemy is the pandemic but behind that mask is the evil one.

We have learnt that prayers and fasting can combat the evil one, even if we feel that we are as small as David who had to face Goliath, David managed to get rid of Goliath because he trusted in the power of God. God was with him, therefore, we too, do not fear.

I would, therefore, strongly recommend that we all try harder:

  1. by fasting 3 days on bread and water starting on the 5th December and ending on the 7th December — just before the feast of the Immaculate Conception.
  2.  praying the 3 prayers that Jesus had recommended starting also from the 5th December which are:

(a) The Novena to the Sacred Heart, (intention: to save his people from any harm and to show His Justice by overthrowing any corrupt governor.) The Novena should be completed on the 13th December.

(b) the Memorare of St. Bernard, — protection from our Lady.

(c) the St. Michael prayer

(d) the Holy Rosary

The prayers are available at:

Let us all trust in the power of God and the protection of our Blessed Mother.

In Christ
