Six months ago Vassula came to Cyprus to give a witnessing where the people were so eager to hear her words that the auditorium was overflowing with people. By the end of her visit, people were hungry for more and could not wait for her to return to Cyprus. For weeks after, people who had heard her speak either during her interview on TV or during her speech, were calling, asking for books, and more importantly asking when they would be able to hear Vassula speak again. To add to this wonderful blessing, many joined the prayer group in Cyprus and later helped with the organization of her next visit.

With God’s grace, we were able to organise Vassula’s return to Cyprus in May 2012, so that she could continue to spread the word of God, and continue the mission He gave her for the people in Cyprus. Our prayers were answered.

Once the date for the witness talk was set, we contacted a popular TV station to ask if they were interested in interviewing Vassula. They told us that they would think it over and tell us their decision in a couple of weeks’ time.. After about half an hour they called us back; we thought this meant that they were not interested. Instead, they did some research and were so enthused by what they found about Vassula and her mission, that they wanted to have Vassula appear on their program for a half hour interview.

It was with great joy that Carl, Ninetta and Inge Ekman warmly welcomed Vassula along with Gesthemane, Tereza and Irene (who would help with the translating) on May 25th to Cyprus. As Vassula would be appearing on a popular TV station later that afternoon, we all went off to have a quick lunch, and then it would be off to Nicosia to prepare for the interview.

Tereza, Inge, Irene, Carl, Vassula and Ninetta at the airport

Whilst waiting for the program to begin, we met the presenter of the show who was very friendly. At the beginning of the half hour interview, Vassula was asked general questions about her mission and how it started. In every interview, Vassula makes it a point to share the experiences she’s had with God the Father and His tenderness. She continued by emphasizing the main issues of the messages, which are repentance, a change of heart, unceasing prayer and the great apostasy of our times. It was evident that the presenter was having a bit of difficulty asking questions, so Vassula gradually took over and went on talking about prophecies and the great fire. Once the presenter heard that it is because of our sins and our non-repentant hearts that God will chastise us in the world by fire, she instantly became shocked and her tone and appearance became mellower. It was at this point when Vassula told the audience that the worst was yet to come.

Once the interview was over and we were getting ready to leave, the presenter came over to speak to us. She wanted to inform us that she would be thrilled to have Vassula back for another interview; but this time in a different, more private location, where they could go into detail about Vassula’s mission and what God is telling the world.

Vassula with Katerina the TV presenter

God gave us one more blessing before we left. They informed us at the station that the program that had just been broadcasted live would be shown again on Monday morning! Anyone who missed this show or wanted to see Vassula again could do so two days before her witnessing.

During the rest of the evening, many viewers called to find out more details about when Vassula would be speaking and where they could buy the books.

Saturday the 26th of May was a lovely day, so we decided to go down into Larnaca to Finigouthes and enjoy a walk on the boardwalk by the sea. It would shortly be the celebration of the feast of the Holy Spirit and the street was filled with stalls of traditional Cypriot food and games.

In the afternoon, the prayer group joined Vassula and the guests from Greece for mass. At the end of the service, Vassula was happy to meet a couple of priests who had been previously stationed in Rhodes for several years.

In the following days, our time was spent finalizing all the details of the witnessing event. It was during these days that we were all welcomed by the Franciscan and Greek Orthodox priests. We also visited Saint Lazarus’s church in Larnaca, where they have his relics, parts of his skull and two other of his bones. Below the church you are able to see his tomb, and we offered our respect and prayers to him.

The day of the witnessing arrived, and we all did our best to prepare everything; we said our prayers for God to do the rest and guide people to the witnessing. Although there were not as many people there as there were during Vassula’s last visit, roughly 120 new people came to hear her speak. This included many who have health problems: like autism, children with Down syndrome, elderly with respiratory problems that need to carry oxygen with them and even one elderly, against doctors’ orders, left the hospital just to hear Vassula speak.

Once again Vassula stressed the importance of reconciliation and prayer. Even though we can no longer divert from God’s chastisement of fire, we will be able to minimize the fire through ceaseless prayer that comes from our hearts. We must become humble and lower our heads and voices to God, so that we can better hear His will.

Alongside these messages, it was to everyone’s surprise that Vassula was given a message by Jesus to give to Cyprus. This is a country that has gone through war and continues to be in political instability. It is a place where people suffer from health and family problems; a country filled with pain. It was a profound moment, as Jesus has not given a message to Vassula to give to a country in many years. At the end of her speech Vassula shared with everyone the words that Jesus shared with her:

“I am the Gateway of Hope where there is despair; of Joy where there is sorrow, of Consolation where there is affliction; I am the Gate of Life where there is death. I will speak to their heart, leading them out of their wilderness and with great tenderness I will attend My sheep; I shall not be hard on them and I will listen to the lowly when they will ask for forgiveness;

Indeed many of you have forgotten My teaching, and have forgotten Me, yet, I have never forgotten you, although, ahh, so many of you have sinned against Me… Come to Me and learn that I am the Good Shepherd; I am your powerful protection, your strong support who revives your spirit and brightens your eyes; I give healing, life and blessings; I am All;

Come to Me and speak to Me from your heart and I will listen; turn your life into an unceasing prayer and delight Me; pray, pray, pray and straighten your ways; strip yourselves clean through repentance and do not waste your days anymore with earthly things that wear away, instead turn your eyes on My Wealth that gives life; do all you can to live holy and at peace with everyone; be perfect as your Father in Heaven is perfect and your sins will no more dominate your life; live by grace a True Life in Me, your God, and I will quench your thirst; I Jesus Christ bless each one of you; ic” (May 22, 2012)

Fr. Vincent Cosatti, a Franciscan priest who accompanied Vassula, then spoke a few words about Vassula and True Life in God. He shared with the audience that he has been reading the messages for 10 years. It was through the messages that he was brought closer to God.

We ended the witnessing by praying the prayer of Repentance and Deliverance, which was followed by a blessing from Fr. Vincent together with a Greek Orthodox priest. Once Vassula finished her speech, she met with a young man who previously suffered from a heavy depression for 30 years. He was also present the last time Vassula came to Cyprus, and he wanted to let Vassula know that it was from that experience that his life improved and changed.

Many people in the audience left their forwarding information so as to be contacted, as well as bought many books. They were blessed to hear the words Jesus shared with Vassula; the words that were given for Cyprus. It was a joy to see to what extent the lives of those who had heard Vassula before and who read the messages had changed. Although that evening ended, we do not feel that it is the end of True Life in God in Cyprus; rather it is only the beginning of God’s vineyards in here.