Jesus has asked us readers to observe the anniversary of TLIG each year:

…indeed if I am your ‘Feast-of-your-own-heart’; celebrate annually the date of today where I brought you and so many others to come into My Heart; and discover those innumerable treasures I kept for your times; keep this great day in mind; be by My side as you have been for the past ten years now: NEVER leave My side, walk with Me as you have done all these years; see how I educated you? see what I have accomplished? see My Wisdom? by adopting you, I adopted so many others; My path is straight, My ways of approaching you are delightful …. your King is perfect and beautiful;November 28, 1995

We cannot separate the instrument of the messages Vassula, from the messages themselves. As we follow Vassula from the beginning we all know the story of how she lived without God and how gently yet powerfully Jesus taught her so she would be able to transmit His message but also so we all would have an accessible example.

One time in private Vassula said to me; “usually a gift of this magnitude is given to religious-but in my case God knew I would be go out and travel and circulate with the people so He knew I would be accessible, not kept away in a distant monastery.”

Indeed if readers have a quick look at scope of Vassula’s meetings, 957 in 79 countries, with new countries and territories this year, it is astounding! We can review as well the photo-gallery which includes pictures of Vassula’s life before all this started and meetings around the world over the years.

If we reflect on the effort Vassula has made for 26 years in the spiritual life, in loyalty to her commitment to Christ, in sheer physical effort traveling sometimes non-stop for weeks (even months sometimes) on end and then think of what Jesus said on November 28th 1996

I have come to you, not because of your merits, since you had none, I have not only chosen you because of your wretchedness and your nothingness, as you tell people, but it was also because of your insignificance and your total ignorance in all matters that concerned My Sacred Heart, yes! 9

We have to conclude that there is huge and profound hope for all of us – who are willing to love and serve God. We know, no matter who we are, it is possible – for we have Vassula as an example. On the 11th anniversary Jesus focuses Vassula around teachings on His Sacred Heart. This message is worthy of contemplation for all of us today:

My Sacred Heart Is Your Heaven November 28, 1996

Let us remember today in prayer the mission of True life in God, Vassula and her ongoing missions this year and let us all praise the Holy Trinity for intervening for us all in these challenging but promising times.

TLIG e-news editor