November 22nd, 2022
“I am the Author of True Life in God, for this is the Treasure I had been reserving for these End of Times, when the world would be turning cold towards Me, this is the Wealth of My Word being poured out profusely from the depths of My Sacred Heart, cleansing this world of sin;” (TLIG Messages, Jan 27, 2021)
The “True Life in God” Greek Association, organized a book presentation of the 2nd Volume of the True Life in God Messages, at IANOS Bookstore in Athens on November 22nd, 2022. At the panel, we had the honour to have along with Vassula Ryden as our guest speaker, Archbishop Theodore Kontidis: Roman Catholic Archbishop of Athens and apostolic administrator of Archdiocese of Rhodes, as well as Fr. Tiberiu Angelescu from the “Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Romanian Orthodox Church” in Canada. Georgia Papadopoulou, a TLIG volunteer, was the hostess of our event.
After a small introduction from Georgia, Archbishop Theodoros was invited to share his overview of the book. He greeted the audience, saying that he was happy to be among us again. He reported that he has been reading the True Life in God Messages for some years now, and that according to his opinion, they do not contradict the Bible. He also mentioned that there are many spiritual paths that people can choose and be led to the Church and to a spiritual life. True Life in God is one of them, yet, we are not to impose anyone to accept them. He also referred to a difficult time that he went through when he was ordained as Archbishop, and the benefits he received by meditating on the TLIG Messages. He said that during that difficult time, when he was reading the messages, he felt consulted and very close to the Lord. Fr. Tibi then took the floor. He said that there is so much to say about the True Life in God divine messages in this volume, that he can barely scratch the surface in his short commentary. He therefore focused on speaking about the actual Author of this book which is God Himself, along with the reason for the existence this work. What is a good teacher doing with a student who does not understand or does not follow his teachings, asked Father Tibi? |
He repeats the lesson with patience, until the student understands and applies the teachings. Likewise, Fr. Tibi said, our Father and Teacher, who, seeing that we have not understood the Holy Scriptures and don’t apply them in our daily life, comes and repeats the lessons over and over again, with divine love and patience, with one goal in mind: to save our souls from the captivity of sin and to help us reach eternal life in Heaven.
“I have had pity on this generation, this is why I have called you and strengthened you to write down My Words; in this manner everyone can read them, everyone will be able to benefit from My sayings; I wanted you to proclaim My Fatherly Love, My goodness and My compassion to the whole world, and how I show mercy to those who truly repent…” (TLIG Messages, May 31, 2003)
Vassula was then asked to speak about the book. Even though she had prepared her speech in English, the Holy Spirit guided her to speak spontaneously and in Greek. Over the years, her Greek has improved tremendously and for us it was wonderful to hear her testimony in Greek. Since there were people in the audience who had never heard about the True Life in God Messages, Vassula introduced us to how her mission started while in Bangladesh. In the beginning, she was astonished that God chose her for this mission and was asking God why he chose her, as she was far away from Church and anything that had to do with catechism and religion. God told her that in her nothingness, He shall show His authority, His power and His presence: “I AM.” Vassula then referred to the purification she had gone through; and that she is just a pen and a paper which God uses to write His Divine Message of Love for mankind. She furthered by saying that these Messages are not only for her, but for all of us, and that God wants us to replace her name with our name. He reminds us in the True Life in God Messages that we are sons and daughters of the Most High; that we come from Royal decent. Vassula added that since we are sons and daughters of the King, we must behave with dignity, not with anger and cursing, or we will be like the demon.
In the True Life in God Messages, God tells us in His teachings that He wants us to love Him; to do so we have to get to know Him. He wants us to be intimate with Him. God says that to know Him, you must love Him. To love Him, you must not be far away from Him. He wants us to run to Him as a child and speak to Him intimately, but not forgetting that I He is Holy. We must worship Him with respect, but speak to Him as children, approach Him with simplicity because He is our Father. Vassula exclaimed that God is very gentle. He beckons her, “allow me to use your hand;” (TLIG Message, October 10,1990) in a very gentle way. He doesn’t want to force our will; He allows us to use our free will. His sorrow is that we don’t know Him enough. He wants us to draw near to Him to know Him better. Indeed, God is teaching us a lot of things in the TLIG Messages. Vassula then proclaimed the urgency of our Lord’s call for repentance and reconciliation. God asked Vassula which of the two houses is more important, her house or His house? God asks her to renew His house; Unite it. And Vassula said, “I don’t know anything, how can I do it.” You have to empty yourself, and fill it with the Holy Spirit. Vassula explained that God was teaching her step by step; he was teaching her how to live with God. She then showed the audience the 1st volume of the True Life in God Messages, which is a huge book compared to the 2nd volume. She said that God used to call her three times a day in the early days, and added that this book is a reminder of the Bible. |
Why do we need this book? It is because God knew that in the end of times the world will become very wicked and forget God. The world will reject God. God does not want the world to perish. In the True Life in God Messages, God explains parts of revelation that are difficult to understand. In 2 Thessalonians, chap. 2, Paul says that the end times will be understood by two signs: The great apostasy and the spirit of rebellion. This comes about from those who fight God, change His commandments, and do the opposite of what God asks of us. And since our world today is living a great apostasy, God intervened to warn us. God does not punish and does not want to see His people suffer, but we are self-destroying ourselves and we draw upon ourselves all evil.