Dhaka Bangladesh
February 18-24th, 2019 

Venerable Sanghanayaka Suddhananda Mahathero from Bangladesh invited Vassula to the Atisha Dipankar Peace Gold Award and the Visuddhananda Peace Gold Ceremony which was scheduled for February 23rd, 2019 in Bangladesh.

Once again the Venerable Sanghanayaka Suddhananda Mahathero from Bangladesh invited Vassula, Theodora, and Heidi, as the representatives of the True Life in God Associations, to award the Associations of TLIG with the Peace Gold Award for promoting peace, harmony and reconciliation globally.  It is also implied, without say that the Bangladesh authorities appreciated the help given to them from the Beth Myriam mission for the ongoing upkeep of their orphanage.   

On February 18th Vassula and Theodora departed for Bangladesh and arrived there early morning at 1:30 am on February 19th.  Upon their arrival, they faced an unexpected surprise.  A plane had just come-in before theirs carrying around one-hundred Chinese people who needed an entry visa and were lined-up in endless rows.  They had to wait, standing patiently for three and a half hours, to finally obtain their entry visa. Vassula reported that it was the first time she ever had to wait so long to get a visa.  To top this ordeal, the shuttle that was supposed to transport them to their hotel had disappeared.  As a final resort, they took a taxi, but the chauffeur had no knowledge of their hotel’s location and they were driven around in-circles for an hour or more.  Finally, they arrived at the hotel half-an-hour before breakfast time.  The receptionist was kind enough to allow them to have their breakfast even before the hotel employees opened its restaurant.

Later in the afternoon they met-up with Heidi who had arrived the day before, and Mr. Sujit Barua welcomed and briefed them about the scheduled program for the duration of their stay in Bangladesh. 

The following morning Imam Mohammed Mazharul Islam also came to the hotel to warmly welcome them.  He offered to chauffer and to be at their disposal for their entire visit.  It was touching to see his dedication, and how, in spite of needing to be present at the mosque for the prayer hours, (they noticed how he would run to the mosque for prayer; then rush back to be with them,) he continually invited them for lunch and dinner.

As they looked around, they noticed that Dhaka’s construction has changed.   From its formally nice, tropical villas with gardens, there are now huge, tall buildings, some of which are luxurious hotels or offices.  The Imam Mohammed informed Vassula that the house she used to live-in, the place where the True Life in God revelation started in the 1980’s, was demolished, and the plot is now government property under contract. 

Later that afternoon they met with Mr. Hadler, a TLIG friend who is assisting them with the logistics of the teachers’ salary at the Kulun School.  Vassula and Heidi wanted to meet with him to clarify an issue, as the teachers had not received their salary for six months!  Mr. Hadler explained that the bank did not give him permission to withdraw the money he had received from the BM Account in Switzerland.  Since the teachers were not paid since January 2019, Vassula decided to give the money she had for her various trip expenses to the teachers.  That amount covered exactly two months of salaries.  Heidi also withdrew some money from her personal account to pay for the teachers’ two additional months of salary.  Moreover, Vassula decided to augment their salaries as well as Sujit’s.  Nonetheless, as this report was being written, Mr. Hadler fortunately managed to withdraw part of the owed money and paid the teachers, but not yet in-full.

The next day, February 21st, the salary holders were scheduled to drive over to Kulun village, so as to visit the True Life in God School, pay the teachers, and greet the villagers.  The Imam Mohammed kindly offered to drive Vassula, Theodora and Heidi with Sujit to the village.  To their good fortune, that day was a national holiday; therefore, the traffic was not so chaotic.  They drove through rough, dusty roads to reach the villagers who were fervently waiting for them.

When they reached the village, they firstly spotted some of the children running towards them. Then, a band of musicians with drums along with Xavier Pereire, and women dressed in their best garments came forward to meet and warmly welcome them with yellow-flowered wreaths that they hung around their necks.   Vassula and her companions were escorted with music and songs into the center of the village where the meeting place was set-up.  On the way, Xavier showed Vassula the Catholic Church’s renovation; the church was built next to the school.  When they reached the church’s outdoor yard, they noticed that it was decorated, and a tent, set above them, indicated where they would be sitting.  Children and women offered Vassula, Heidi and Theodora flower bouquets as a welcome and appreciation gesture.  It was indeed noticeable how warmly committed the teachers were towards their work, even though they had not received their salary.  It was for them, somehow, a small relief that they received part of their salary that day.

Statue of our Lady - Beth Myriam Sign Kulun Village

Statue of our Lady – Beth Myriam Sign Kulun Village


Our arrival in Kulun village.

Xavier opened the meeting by saying a few kind words to Vassula. Here is what he said: Heartfelt Welcome to Vassula and her Company

Oh Special Lady: On the occasion of your arrival to Kulun, we, thevillagers, are very happy to say to you, “welcome”.  Today all of God’s creation is glorifying with us for your glorious presence.  Being a spiritual lady, you have come to a poor village.  So take our love and warm welcome.

Preacher of God: Jesus said, “Go throughout the whole world and preach the gospel to all mankind.” You are the real preacher because from a long distance you have come to Bangladesh to preach and help the poor people.  We support your service and wish you the best for your mission.

O Great Lady: At present, you are not a member of a small family.  You have become a member of all families because of your service. We strongly believe that many people will receive a new life through your activities.  We appreciate your gratefulness.

Lover of humans:You have the greatest sympathy for poor people.  Jesus came to serve, and not to be served.  You are also doing the same.  So, we are also happy to see your model.  It will help us to serve the people.  You are the best friend of the poor.  God bless you.

Holy Lady:You are a holy lady because Jesus sends messages through you for us so that we may have holy lives.  Your life is a dedicated life now.  Many people are going to become holy by seeing your holiness; we believe and respect you.

Helpful lady and Friend of the poor: You are very generous.  Many people are being offered good and delicious food through your kindness.  You are the main disciple to complete the incomplete work of your beloved Jesus.  You are a witness of God. Through your hard labor and love, you are going from one country to another country to serve your love for education, food, and other charitable work to the most abandoned and poor people.  Really you are a great person.  For your great work may the Almighty God bless you and give you good health.

Dear Madam: We have learned many things from the Beth Myriam mission, especially how to help poor people with their education and charitable work.  If you want, you can renew this charitable work in our country again.  From your love, our teachers receive good salaries and bonuses; therefore, all of them are very happy.  They have given heartfelt thanks. Finally, we ask God to shower blessings on you so that you may preach the good news to the people more and more.  May you and your company have a good and happy journey.

Best regards, Xavier Pereira (On behalf of the villagers of Kulun)

Vassula with Heidi, Imam Mohammed and Sujit at Kulun

Vassula with Heidi, Imam Mohammed and Sujit at Kulun

Vassula then was given the floor and mentioned that she was happy to be there again with them, but they should not forget one important thing: that all honor and thanks should be given to our Blessed Mother, and not to her, as this project is Our Blessed Mother’s project.  Vassula also said that we must not forget to pray and thank our Blessed Mother for bringing this help to them.  When we pray to Her, She hears us. She protects us.  We are only an instrument.  When we say “yes” to our Lady, She assists us. Vassula said “Let us give a big applause to our Lady as She is the One who Helps us”.   Vassula also referred to the problem with paying the teachers on time and informed everyone present that some money will be handed to them today. From now on, beginning in January 2019, they will all receive a retrospective raise in their salary. 

She then introduced Heidi Kyhl as the person responsible for all the Beth Myriams around the world.  Heidi thanked them for their welcome.  She mentioned that she was delighted to be there, as it was her first time in Kulun.  She stated that it is a gift from above for her to see the school and in-person meet the people with whom she corresponds.  She also informed everyone present that the teachers will now receive a two-month salary; and she then personally gave it to them.  She furthermore promised that a solution will be found for the teachers to receive their entire salary on time. After this presentation, Xavier briefly summarized the improvements that have taken place at the school over the years.  It now hosts about seventy-five students.  Electricity is now available, and the children are provided food, pens and paper. 


Two young girls at Kulun school with traditional outfits.

The celebratory musicians then sang some remarkable songs and the young children, dressed in their beautiful and colorful traditional clothes, danced.  At this point, Sujit asked Theodora and Heidi to offer the children some candy.  As the performance drew to a close, the respective guests, as well as Vassula, Heidi and Theodora, were escorted to a veranda to enjoy an offered lunch.

After this memorable experience at Kulun School, they departed for a visit to the Dhamarajika Buddhist Monastery.  Venerable Sudhananda had just returned from Philadelphia-USA, but in spite of his tremendous fatigue, he absolutely wanted to meet Vassula personally.  He knew that he otherwise may not have the opportunity to privately meet with her at the awards event the following day due to the crowds.  His health, too, has been giving him many problems; so with the fear of never again seeing Vassula, he insisted that she meet him for perhaps the last time.

As they arrived at the monastery’s yard, they saw the Venerable lying on a sofa at the monastery’s porch.  As soon as he saw them coming from afar, he struggled to get up, and with tears in his eyes welcomed Vassula.  Both fell in each other’s arms affectionately.  He offered her a bouquet of flowers, expressing his joy. 

The Venerable with the assistance of two monks gets up to welcome Vassula

The Venerable with the assistance of two monks gets up to welcome Vassula

 The Venerable then offered coffee and spent some time with them.  The group was joined by the Venerable’s companions and friends: Dr. Pranab Kumar Baruya, Mr. Mr. Ranjit Kumar Barua, Vice-President; Bangladesh Buddha Kristi Sangha, and Mr. Prakrita Ranjan Barua.  The Venerable had previously briefed Vassula about the other guests who would subsequently be present at the Atisha Dipankar and Visuddhananda Peace Gold Award event. 

Venerable Suddhananda with Vassula and friends at the Buddhist Monastery

Venerable Suddhananda with Vassula and friends at the Buddhist Monastery

Along with these honored guests, he had moreover invited other distinguished guests from Italy, Nepal, India, China, Netherlands, Chilly, Spain and other countries to attend the Peace Gold Award event.  That afternoon, Vassula, Heidi, and Theodora met some of his guest speakers, such as Most Venerable Lama Lobzang from India.  The Venerable’s companions said to Vassula: “Venerable always speaks highly about you when he goes abroad, to everyone he meets, and we here in the monastery hear your name every day from Venerable.”  May God bless his genuine heart.  Vassula, Theodora, and Heidi were touched by the way the Venerable showed his love, and thanked him for his hospitality.

The next day Sujit informed them that a Jesuit priest from India who heard about Vassula’s visit in Bangladesh wanted to meet with her.  They scheduled an appointment to meet him at 7:00 that afternoon.  Fr. Srijon SJ-Jesuit priest, Brother James Gomes, and Mr. Mintu Jachim Gomes came to our hotel at exactly 7:00 pm.  Brother James informed Vassula that some years ago he had bought all the TLIG books that were printed in Bengali and has given them all away.  The books’ publishers are hoping to be able to print the books again.  Fr. Srijon seemed very happy to meet Vassula and was eager to learn as much as he could about her life and her experience with Jesus.  Vassula, Theodora and Heidi promised Fr. Srijon that they will send him the TLIG Messages- One Book in English as he wants to read all the messages that have been printed.  The messages are still not translated in Bengali, and so far there is no volunteer to do this work.

On February 23th, after breakfast, Imam Mohammed and Sujit came and picked them up from the hotel to go to the Dharmarajika Buddhist Monastery and attend Sanghadana (offerings to the Sangha). Sangha is a Sanskrit word that means ‘assembly,’ or ‘community’. Before making the offerings to the Buddhist VIPs, the donors (from Italy, India, Spain and other countries) who were present meditated on the nine virtues of the Sangha. Vassula, Heidi, and Theodora were asked to meet Mr. Anupar Barua, headmaster of the monastery’s high school.  After this meeting, at around 2:15 pm, they were escorted to the conference hall for the Awards Ceremony. 

Mr. Anupar Barua, Headmaster of the High School of the Monastery with other professors and their wifes

Mr. Anupar Barua, Headmaster of the High School of the Monastery with other pr