Everybody is welcomed to become a living Altar for God.

God does not come by force to violate our liberty or to condemn us, but He comes to us out of his boundless Mercy with peace terms. He comes to remind us that we belong to Him and that we should return to Him. He comes to remind us of our roots and that He is Father to for all. He invites every soul to Him so that He gives freely to that soul the fullest knowledge of His Will.

You must have noticed that in our times, the world today refuses to give Glory to God and instead glorifies itself, playing God. It is clear from what we hear and see around us that we are living in the End of Times that were foretold, times of Great Apostasy, in times of rebellion, in times of rejection of God’s graces and wonders, even of the rejection of God Himself.

As I said previously, in our times, faith has frozen, but the Spirit of God will unceasingly keep descending on us to revive us and renew us before Jesus’ Return foretold by Him.

Jesus Christ said that what offends Him most in our days is this indifference that some Christians show to Him. In other words, laxity, tepidity, or complacency, are things unacceptable to God. The worst sins are against charity. Rejection of certain people we dislike, keeping grudge, refusal to make peace, refusal to forgive, bitterness stored inside us, slander, hostility and calumny.    

Nevertheless, despite our wretchedness, God sends His Spirit of Grace daily on us to enliven that flickering flame within us that is about to extinguish. We really have no excuse, grace is there. We have a long journey in front of us to reach perfection and be reunited with the angels. But, are we not daily sated with Divine Love? Can anybody say that we were not called to become gods by participation and deified after we die to our self? Can anyone declare of not having heard our Bridegroom inviting us to enter the wedding Chamber of His Heart? Can anyone say he has been left out and has not been invited to this Mystical Wedding and sated with the Mystic Cup? Can we really say to God that we have not received ineffable Blessings, Blessings that transcend any glory? Can you say to the Bridegroom, “I have not been invited to this Mystic Union with You?”

God brought back the exiles, so why would He forget you? God wants you to receive Him so that you may say: “Look, I am at the service of Godbut I am also his beloved child”

Our Lord says in a message that we must not wait to become saints to go to Him but asks us to come as we are, and He shall forgive our sins when we repent, turning us into saints.

“You were created out of love for Love, to love your Creator. So, praise Him and give glory to the One who created you.”

Jesus says that it is only from the Triune God we draw our life? So, if we cut our relationship with God, it is the same as if we cut short our life. Our relationship is when we pray and when we are in contemplation to Him. Prayer unveils God. The Lord said that “the true theology is the contemplation to Me your God.” He reminds us that we live in God, we breathe in Him, we move in Him and we draw our life from Him and that He is the One who ceaselessly gives Himself to us to perfect our soul which has been deformed by all our sins. He is the One who died for us, so what could He have done more that He has not done?

He is the One who asks us to give ourselves more to Him so that we receive more of Him. He is the One who will bring us in divine union with Him and will fill us with His transcendent Light so that we will be filled with the absolute fullness of their Triune Deity.

Christ prepares us with such teachings of Wisdom to be ready for His Great Return. When Jesus talks about His Return which is imminent, His Return is with Fire. Through this Fire, God will make all things new.

My return is imminent, and I am giving you constant signs to prepare you. Love is on the path of return, I am on My way to you.

Tell Me, when a king enters into a city, will there be no preparations to receive him? The whole city will be in turmoil and the king will send before him his elect and his imperial court to prepare a way for him and make his paths straight. He will send his messengers to announce his coming. He will ask them to shout with a loud voice: „Here is your King, your King is coming…“

This is why, before My Return, I am sending you before Me, the Arch of Alliance, I am sending you the Woman of the Apocalypse, the second Eve, who will crush the serpent’s head with her heel. I am sending you before Me My Mother, to open a broad highway and level it in this desert and make your peace with Me, your King, before My Great Return… I am sending you My angels to remind you of My Holiness, My magnificence and My splendour. I am sending you My mouthpieces to shout and proclaim on the rooftops of your houses the wedding of My Holy Spirit… Soon, very soon now I shall tear the heavens open and come down in full force!“ 10.10.90

As I said before, His Return is with Fire. I will read you the message of June 1, 2002. Here is what I wrote, then what He responded:

Yahweh is crowning His Works with His bounty,
and abundance flows wherever He passes;
He loads us with riches, He refines us like silver;

Christ marches with majesty across this desert,
and He makes the earth rock,
to announce His imminent return;

But the people have not understood;
some say: “Christ is coming in flesh and bone”;
others argue groundlessly,
“God will come and smash the heads of His enemies;”
– but they have not understood the Psalms

Like the phantoms of a midnight dream, they wonder;
in the beginning too I had simply failed to understand,
even though I was constantly in His Presence;
even when He held my right hand to write;

It is written: “The Lord gives His couriers the news
and so He does

(Now) – When God’s Footsteps approach and are heard,
the virtuous rejoice, exulting and singing for joy;
they say: “build a road for the Rider of the Clouds,
rejoice in Christ, exult at His coming!”

At Noah’s time the heavens deluged at His coming
at the coming of God

but had not seen Him in flesh and bone

And now, the earth will be put aflame with His Son’s return;
at the coming of God

Christ will descend from the heights;

Just as thousands of myriads of divine chariots
You, Lord, had left Sinai for Your sanctuary;

David said: “God, You have ascended to the height, and captured prisoners,
You have taken men as tribute,
yes, taken rebels to Your dwelling, Yahweh
” 2
but they had not seen Him in flesh and bone

yet He was there

 When Yahweh approach the virtuous and they rejoice,
they do not see Him in flesh and bone

but He is there;

When He had set Himself then at the head of His people,
and marched across the desert,
He did not come in flesh and bone

yet He was there

and so it will be when Christ, in our days,
declares that His Return is imminent

the heavens and the earth will be set aflame
and He shall turn the hearts of fathers towards their children
and the hearts of children towards their fathers

yet, no one will see You in Flesh and Bone

(because) Love will return as love

for, all of us we will be in the True God,
Consuming Fire, Triune and Holy

() this will be the road of My imminent return My return will renew you and free many of you from your transgression; when the renewal takes place, many will be vested with Myself and all the saints.

In February 18, 1993. the Lord said:

the sixth seal is about to be broken4 and you will all be plunged into darkness and there will be no illumination for the smoke poured up out of the Abyss will be like the smoke from a huge furnace so that the sun and the sky will be darkened by it; 5 and out of My Cup of Justice I will make you resemble snakes, vipers, I will make you crawl on your belly and eat dust6 in these days of darkness; I will crush you to the ground to remind you that you are not better than vipers …. you will suffocate and stifle in your sins;

in My anger I will tread you down, trample you in My wrath! see? My four angels are standing anxiously now around My Throne, waiting for My orders; when you will hear peals of thunder and see flashes of lightning know that the Hour of My Justice has come; the earth will shake and like a shooting star, will reel from its place, 7 extirpating mountains and islands out of their places; entire nations will be annihilated; the sky will disappear like a scroll rolling up, 8 as you saw it in your vision, daughter; 9 a great agony will befall on all the citizens; and woe to the unbeliever! hear Me: and should men say to you today: “ah, but the Living One will have Mercy upon us, your prophecy is not from God but from your own spirit;” tell them: although you are reputed to be alive, you are dead; your incredulity condemns you, because you refused to believe in My time of Mercy and prohibited My Voice to spread through My mouthpieces to warn and save My creatures, you shall die too as the bad;

when the Hour of Darkness comes, I will show you your insides; I will turn your soul inside out and when you will see your soul as black as coal, not only will you experience a distress like never before, but you will beat your breast with agony saying that your own darkness is far worse than the darkness surrounding you;

 (…) that is how I shall display My Justice to the nations and all nations will feel My sentence when this Hour comes; I will make human life scarcer than ever before; then when My wrath will be appeased, I will set My Throne in each one of you, and together with one voice and one heart and one language you will praise Me, the Lamb;

(…) I shall show you to the world as a sign of unity; you are contradicted and rejected but you know now why: because unity is unwelcomed, as Love is unwelcomed in many hearts; sincerity is missing ….

come, we, us?