True Life in God

8th AnnuaEcumenicaPrayeRetreat 2015

FridayNov 13  Sunday, Nov 15, 2015 

Springhill Suites Marriott O’Hare • Chicago, IL


TLIG message from Oct5,1992


“today more than ever I am sending you My Holy Spirit to renew you, yet for how long will this generation keep resisting My Holy Spirit? tell Me, can a body live without a heart? learn that My Holy Spirit is the Heart of the Body which is the Church; learn that My Holy Spirit is the Breath of the Church, the Essence of zeal for Me, your God; My Holy Spirit is the sweet Manna of Heaven, nourishing the poor;”


TLIG message from April 15,1991 


„…the inner power of my Church is My Holy Spirit this Fire which enlivens you, purifies you and makes out of your spirit columns of fire, ardent braziers of love, living torches of light, to proclaim without fear My Word, becoming witnesses of the Most High and teaching others to look only for Heavenly things…“


Holy Scripture and the messages of True Life in God tell us that it is the Holy Spirit Who will re-unite the Church, and we await this blessed day promised to come „soon.“ Join us in Chicago to hear The Holy Spirit’s Testimony through True Life in God and to share your own witness. Let’s call down a shower of unifying Love through the power of prayer, praise and worship.Together we can bring that glorious day closer!

In addition to spirit-filled talks and time for meditation, we will offer: Daily Mass • Confession • Healing Prayer • Saturday Adoration & Benediction • SongandPraise • Testimonies • and Fellowship 

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Questions? Call Leslie  708-267-5706  or Lisa 312-823-2461