The Programme Of My Meetings
December 17, 1988
(After our reunion.)
My Lord?
I am;
I was surprised to see so many come, there must have been 130 people!
Vassula, I have said before; full, you shall be many;
Lord, You must have noticed that there were some disputes, somehow because of the program?
how could I not notice all this! 1 Vassula, opposing forces there will be, but I will not allow anyone to tread on you; detach yourself and depend on Me; from now on, it is I who will organise and give you the program of My Meetings; it is I who will tell you what to say; the program will be given to you from above; I am Wisdom and from Wisdom you will receive It;…“
1 Jesus was not at all content. In fact, He was upset with certain people.(December 17, 1988)
While sitting with Vassula in Rhodes Greece last month, she mentioned to me how many people travel hundreds of miles to attend a meeting, sometimes driving all day or catching an airplane (I am flying with many others 3,000 miles for the TLIG anniversary in Los Angeles). This kind of effort and sacrifice pleases Jesus if we do it out of love. He never fails to see even the smallest effort we make for His Kingdom. From the message above, we see Jesus knows well (no surprise!) every person who makes an effort to go to a meeting and to support them.
We can remember Jesus is saying:
„…it is I who will organise and give you the program of My Meetings;“
How can we the readers not feel like going ?
- Do we not want to wake up more spirituality?
- Do we not want to Pray more and learn how to Live Holy?
- Do we think we do not need to make more progress in our Intimacy with Jesus?
- Do we not want to make new Friends and Fellowship with our Brothers and Sisters?
- Do we not want to praise and thank God for His Grace of True Life in God?
- Do we not need more graces and blessings in our life?
Not only should all of us who have been helped by the messages in our walk with Jesus want to go and do what it takes to get there – but we should make every effort to bring someone new with us!
Some people might say:
„I do not have the time“ or „I do not have the money to travel “ „I have heard Vassula speak already „. We are all accountable to our conscience and God. We all have to be on guard, especially now with complacency – I am very very guilty of this. We all have to be on guard with spiritual laziness (me too- guilty again). Vassula emphasized these points at the Rhodes retreat in 2010. When we are complacent or lazy – the Devil a legalist says … „okay this person is opening a door for me – I have a right to annoy, harass and inflict them … their laziness and complacency give me an opening!!! „
Litmus Test – If you feel you don’t need to go and have heard it all already, this may be a confirmation that you especially need to go !!!
Vassula is flying 15,000 miles or more to come speak to us in North America and she is „no longer a teenager“ (her words, when on the Heaven is Real book tour a promoter wanted her to take a rock star style bus tour across America).
Only we can ask ourselves „what have I done to support and spread these messages ? Only we can ask ourselves if we really believe these messages are for our times and are from God. Only we ourselves can ask ourselves and the Lord; „if I make a huge effort to go to a meeting or take some action to get someone else there would Jesus be happy with me about that?“
In North America we need to focus and make plans NOW This Week and take action to attend and support these events.
Hopeful news:
I asked Vassula about this upcoming trip to North America, especially the United States. I was worried, as for many years she did not visit. Was the last book tour „the END“? I was dreading America had become an abandoned place of materialism, moral decay, apostasy and spiritual death, more interested in leisure, pleasure, comfort and ease than in God. Vassula assured me she wants (which by default means Jesus wants) True Life in God better established in the USA and is willing to put in the effort. Many states she has never visited before or has visited only once, and they are almost the size of some European countries. What will be our response? Will the USA and all readers with connections here support these efforts?
In the latest message given by Jesus we read :
„… anyone who serves Me, their God, will benefit… let Me remind again everyone: My Body is the Church; the one Church; you have all been baptized in the One Spirit which was given you to drink; and all of you who gathered, although you were of different parts of My Body, all of you completed My Body since you all belong to the same Body; that is known to you; however, Satan trumpets out loud his blasphemes for years now keeping you divided in his fear that all the members of My Body reconcile and get together and unite;
he struggles to keep all of you divided and My Church weak to the point of irreparable damage; I have the power to unite My Church and heal Her; I have indeed the power to resurrect the dead; I Myself, rose from the dead, but I need your will and consent to do so; I need your collaboration and I need you to soften and bend with true humility and love! Leave the sin of your division… There are some who do not know Me at all, nor the extent of My Mercy; to these I say: in your rigidity and darkness distress accumulates in your heart and your light flickers out in shadows; beware lest it dies out completely!