Below are two eulogies given at Vassula’s funeral on October 1st, 2024. The English translations were read by Fr. John Corbett who read Metropolitan Seraphim’s testimony, and Fr. Bo Westergaard who read Archbishop Kontidis‘ testimony.

Metropolitan Seraphim Kykkotis

In the Bible we read, „At various times in the past and in various different ways, God spoke to our ancestors through the prophets; but in our own time, the last days, he has spoken to us through his Son.“ (Hebrews 1:1). In Hebrews (1:1) simply translated, it is emphasized that: „In olden times, that is, in the time before Christ, on many occasions and in many ways God spoke and revealed his will to our ancestors through the prophets. And in these last days he has spoken to us through his only begotten Son, Jesus Christ.“ What the Apostle to the Nations, wise Paul says is also true for our beloved Vassula.

He emphasizes to us what God reveals to the world for our salvation. A careful study of the True Life in God Messages she received will show that she emphasizes points that are important in the Bible, but people do not implement them; in fact, many Christians. Our Vassula through the TLIG messages stresses to us:

First, Repentance for our apostasy. Second, our unity as the Body of Christ. And third, to live as the early members of our Church who had everything in common, living on earth the Kingdom of God. „The whole group of believers was united, heart and soul; no one claimed private ownership of any possessions, but they shared everything they had.“ (Acts 4:32).

For forty years, Vassula’s preaching was her life; her life was her daily word to make us understand that in God’s eyes we are all his children who are to live in peace and love. „God is love, and he who abides in love abides in God, and God in him (1 John 4:16). I remember our Vassula, when we were in Colombia for her contribution of prayer to stop the civil strife in that beautiful country.

I remember her when we met together in Barcelona to follow in our daily lives the example of Our Lady, of love, sacrifice and humility. I remember our Vassula when many of us were in the Holy Land of Egypt, where Joseph and young Mary fled so that their little Infant would not be slaughtered by the bloodthirsty Herod; there, where Moses received the Ten Commandments, in the Holy Monastery of St. Catherine at Sinai.

For our Vassula, the words of Jesus Christ spoken in his dialogue with the sisters of St. Lazarus before his Resurrection apply, „He who believes in me, even if he dies, he will live„. (John 11:26) Our Vassula, as you know, was the first to put into practice what she taught us. That is why her charity sensitized pious Christians to contribute to the protection of needy and orphaned children in countries suffering from poverty. The Beth Myriam Foundation is now known throughout the world.

Among the countries where destitute and orphaned children are protected by the Beth Myriam Foundation are the destitute and orphaned children of Zimbabwe. When our children wanted to thank our Vassula and those who help, our Vassula pointed out that we should thank Our Lady Mary, because feeding the needy and orphaned children is a gift from Our Lady on behalf of her Son. But today, for the first time, allow me to disobey Vassula’s exhortation. Thank you, our Vassula, for everything. We thank God for the gift He has given us, for you to be with us and to teach us, like the Prophets of God; to have unfailing love, to forgive and to live in peace with unity and humility, as Adam and Eve lived in Paradise before their fall; and as those who enter the Kingdom of Heaven will live, as you. We thank you, our Vassula. Your dream and your struggle to have all Christians celebrate Easter on the same day, God willing, will be realized next year, when we will also celebrate the 1700th anniversary of the first Ecumenical Council of Nicaea, which all Christians follow with our common Symbol of Faith: „I believe in one God…“ Thank you, our Vassula. We feel that you continue to pray with the Holy Angels in heaven for all of us.

Metropolitan Seraphim Kykkotis of Zimbabwe


Archbishop Theodoros Kontidis

Tell the people who have forgotten their God that I, their God, do not forget them

These were the first words that a colleague priest, many years ago, quoted to me from a True Life in God Messages book, to emphasize to me how true and beautiful these simple words were. From then on, an acquaintance with Vassula’s received True Life in God Messages began for me, and later on, an acquaintance with Vassula herself.

Many people remembered God once again, and returned to Him thanks to Vassula’s received, written messages. The faith of many people was renewed and revived. Many realized that God is not an abstract concept nor a distant, indifferent creator, but He is constantly beside us. Others gained a more complete Christian life thanks to the Church and the Tradition of the Church. Still others have returned to prayer and the sacraments.

I can say that in difficult times, when I wanted to feel that God is close to me, along with prayer, the True Life in God messages came to give me a sense of God’s nearness, the comforting presence of Christ. A Presence of love and watchful care for us humans. We encounter through these messages words that recall the burning with love heart of Christ. They are words that call us to repentance, to unity, to fraternity, to continued communion with Jesus Christ.

May our Holy God and Father rest our sister Vassiliki Ryden close to Him. May Christ always be our guide on the path of life; He is indeed the Way, the Truth and the Life. And we take it upon ourselves to tell our brothers and sisters who have forgotten their God that He does not forget them.

Theodoros Kontidis

Archbishop of Athens, Catholic Archbishop of Athens

Apostolic Administrator of the Catholic Archdiocese of Rhodes