Friday, September 20, 2002 10:09 AM

An interview with Vassula

The following is an interview given by Vassula, on June 19, 2002, during her visit to Mexico, based on questions posed by the Spanish magazine „Xaipe“ of the Prayer Groups of the Heart of Jesus.

QUESTIONCould you briefly tell us how God and Our Mother have acted throughout your life? VASSULAI would say through the Messages everything began in my life, because before the Messages I had no life in God, no life in Our Blessed Mother, although I knew that They existed and They were up there in Heaven, I did not have a spiritual life. But then, everything really started from day one, when the Angel approached me to draw my attention towards God, and after a long period of purification, I met God, and when I say God I mean the Holy Trinity, in fact, and from there, also Our Blessed Mother. Then, that is where a radical conversion began.

QUESTIONWhen have God and Our Mother intervened in your life in the most decisive manner? VASSULAWell, I believe that, for everybody, both Jesus and Mary have always intervened in our lives in decisive manners, but many of us do not even notice those signs and the fact that they are always constantly with us. In fact you can say that there are times when you actually feel that Presence much more powerful and as you say decisive. But I believe that, constantly, both Our Blessed Mother and Jesus are with us, very present with us, intervening in our lives.

QUESTIONYou have received many Messages in your work of writing and promoting True Life in God. Which of those Messages has made a deeper impact on you? VASSULAAgain in the same way, it is as if you wanted me to pick up which is the best moment with God or the best Message that God says. It is as if you were asking me to part the Scriptures and tell you which is the best part of the Scriptures. The Word of God, which is the Scriptures, is One and very Powerful. You have to take it altogether; but so is True Life in God. You cannot pick up one message and say this is more powerful, this is more important. Everything that God gives from a to z is very powerful, very meaningful and very important and all of it is meant to turn our lives into an unceasing prayer, to convert our lives and change and become holy and follow the Law of Love of God. So I cannot tell you that this Message is more important or the other one is less important.

QUESTIONYou already have told us that the Messages made a radical change in your life. How did that change come about? VASSULAThe change of my life came through Grace, and I believe that for everyone who has a transformation from being spiritually dead to suddenly have a revival within them, it is through grace and through the Power of the Holy Spirit that can bring us this new life in God, once we are touched by the Spirit. It was, actually, from the very beginning when my Angel came to drew my attention towards God, to make me realize that I was not living a holy life and that I was very far from God. He brought me to a stage where I could see the sins that I have committed and offended God, especially, in the past, because I never went to confession. It was like realizing, rather, being conscious of one’s sins. This is a moment of grace, a moment of purification, that through the Power of the Holy Spirit you could see the things that you have done wrong, with God’s Eyes.

And this is a very important moment in one’s life, when this sort of purification comes on people. To realize that you are not really the perfect being, you will never be the perfect being, perhaps, but at least you realize that you had been far away from God and offending God and that is where you are changing; you are turning towards God, you are going to start leaning on God and then you will start realizing that it is God First in your life. Because without God, it is like having your table empty and there is nothing, there is no joy, there is no peace. So, there comes a moment where you stop rebelling against God, stop making war on God and you will start turning towards God, making peace with God and becoming closer to God in an intimate way.

QUESTIONHow does our mission, which is to love and promote the love of the Sacred Heart of Jesus through the Heart of Mary, relate to the Messages of True Life in God? VASSULAAbout the Sacred Heart it is a very important question and I will be a little bit long here. To start with, yes Jesus came to me to present Himself as the Sacred Heart. He did not come like Jesus of Mercy or another title; or Jesus Pantokrator which is a Greek title meaning the Most Omnipotent. So He came as the Sacred Heart and in fact, He says in the Messages: „I have said to Saint Gertrude that, at the end of times, I will return to give all the Treasures that are hidden in My Heart“. Saint Gertrude, who also saw the Sacred Heart, saw a vision of John the Evangelist, the disciple of Jesus, and He spoke to her and he said: „Jesus has in His Heart, Hidden Treasures for a certain time“. She was curious and she asked him: „Well, why didn’t you talk about these Treasures before so that people know about them?“. And he said: „My mission was not to show all these Treasures of Jesus‘ Heart for my time. My mission was to establish the Church“. And Saint Gertrude again asked to Jesus: „When will You give these Secret Treasures from Your Sacred Heart to the people?“, and He said: „Ah! Ah! it is not for now, it is for the end of times, when the world will turn icy cold towards the Love of God. These are reserved for a time when the world will become cruel and cold and they will not remember God any more“ (February 18, 1995).

In a Message of True Life in God from Our Lady, She said: „The world has grown cold, icy cold. …The world is dead to love. It lies in deep obscurity because hatred, greed and selfishness dominate the entire Earth, all the way to its core. I am shaken by terrible sights, with iniquities of this dark world and the apostasy that penetrated in the Sanctuary Itself. The disasters, famines, afflictions, wars and plague, all these are drawn by you. All that comes form the Earth returns to the Earth. The Earth is self destroying itself and it is not God Who gives you all these disasters as many of you tend to believe. God is Just and Merciful, but evil draws evil“ (May 15, 1990).

So there are many parts of the Messages showing that the apostasy is very powerful in our times, but the world has grown icy cold and it has become more violent and more cruel and really rejects God because it glorifies itself instead of glorifying God, so it plays god. And people today are giving more importance to false religions nowadays and following all sorts of assistance like channeling, bio energetic exercises and the power of healing from crystals, putting all this above the Power of the Holy Spirit. So what is Satan doing? Satan is deceiving the world with the same lie with which he deceived Eve. That we can be god and that we do not need Him.

And so we are passing, in our generation, through a terrible time. A rejection of God, a great apostasy, that Saint Paul was talking about in 2 Thesalonnians, Chapter II. The abomination of the desolation, that Daniel the Prophet was talking about. In Ezequiel 28, Chapter 28, that people will grow arrogant towards God and there will be a rebellious spirit, throning himself on the Throne of God, which means that people will play god, in other words. But all this is what Jesus was talking about, that He has reserved those Treasures for these sort of times. So He has been exposing them in True Life in God. He has been taking the Treasures, One by One, which are Endless, of course, but He has taken several Treasures out to describe. One Treasure is the Intimacy of God. How to become intimate with Him. The other Treasure is the knowledge of God. Of how to know God and understand God. The other Treasure is the Mercy of God in our times, the grace that He is giving us in our times, etcetera. So all this you can find in True Life in God. And it is very powerful in everything that concerns the Sacred Heart because it is reviving the Devotion to the Sacred Heart.

QUESTIONIn the light of your experience of God reflected in True Life in God how do you think we should live our Devotion to the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary? VASSULAWell, if you read True Life in God, it will help you revive your devotion to the Sacred Heart and to the Blessed Mother because there are many Messages about the Alliance of the Two Hearts. In the end, the Two Hearts will triumph, and the triumph is very near and we hope that it will come through the Second Pentecost that has started already. So the devotion that is being asked is to consecrate our families and our nation to the Two Sacred Hearts, that is the Holy Heart of Mary and the Holy Heart of Jesus. And so we learn a lot about the union of those Two Hearts in many of those Messages like how powerful They are united, from the very beginning. We have several Messages about this Powerful Union of the Two Hearts that are pulling us, I would say, drawing us to consecrate ourselves to Them, and really, our devotion is revived.

There are very beautiful Messages that Jesus is dictating about His Sacred Heart and what It contains inside. This I would like to share because Jesus is speaking about the Riches that He contains within Him, and invites us all to share those Riches.

>From all the Divine Riches His Sacred Heart contains, the Greatest One, as I said before, the most elevated One is the Possession of God Himself, which is to know God and to understand Him, and then to possess Him. As God says in a Message: „Come and seize Me. Come and possess Me“ (July 17, 1996). This is another excerpt from the Messages: „My Sacred Heart is like a Bed of Selected Roses. My Sacred Heart is filled with graciousness, It is like a Wellspring of Life. Turn your eyes to My Sacred Heart, and Its Brightness will fill your dark night into the fullness of day. Hold My Sacred Heart and embrace It, and Its closeness to you will set a crown of sanctifying graces on your head, which will bring your feet into the path of loyalty, even to accept shedding your blood for My Honor“ (November 28, 1996).

So It gives you courage to become heroes for Jesus, martyrs, I would say, for Jesus. And we see here, how powerfully the Sacred Heart can transfigure us, to become loyal and zealous, even by shedding our blood for Him. One day Jesus said: „To embrace Me is to embrace My Cross, and in this embrace you are bathed in My Light. The way, and I would say again, the only way to a union of Divine Love with Me is when you voluntarily embrace with love My Cross, which you know bears His sufferings but its joys as well, which will lead you where your soul would be exalted… The proof that anyone is joined and one with Me, formed in Me, in My Sacred Heart and knit with Me, is when your heart is crafted, as well, on My Cross, with all Its bearings. Anybody who is convinced that he belongs to Me must understand that he belongs to My Cross as well“ (November 11, 1998). So they are inseparable the Cross and Jesus.

QUESTIONYesterday, you talked about how people love Jesus, but are afraid of the Cross. I have to say this happens to me, because I love Jesus and I know the Cross comes with Him, so what can I do, because I don’t want to say no? VASSULAWell, number one you have to trust Jesus. As Our Blessed Mother told me once: „Jesus will not break you. Jesus will not make you go beyond you, what you can bear, and beyond your force“. He will give you up to how much you can bear. By imposing self penances on you, maybe it is not the way He wants it. Some people overdo it, like self imposing penances too much, and Jesus says if you go beyond a limit it is not from Me anymore it is from Satan. So you will have to leave yourself go in the current of the water, instead of fighting against the current, because if you fight against the current, you will end up drowning, because you struggle too much and you get fatigued. But you just let yourself go, by trusting Jesus. Not asking Him. Just say: „May Your Will be done“. Some people say: „I want to have this cross“, or „I want that cross“, but Jesus takes you seriously, and He will give you that, and then, when they will start limping and whining, saying „it is too much on me“, but they have asked it. So the best thing is to say to Jesus: „May Your Will be done“, and He gives you exactly what you can bear. But He won’t give you beyond what one can bear, and it is never really just cross, cross, cross. There is a lot of joy inside. You know? So Jesus wants us happy.

Now, we have been speaking about the Consecration, the Devotion of the Blessed Heart of Mary and the Sacred Heart of Jesus, but the Messages are filled up about the Alliance of the Two Hearts and how both, Mary and Jesus, are coming and bending all the way from Heaven to us, to reach us and save us. I just want to say also, like I said before, the Two Hearts are so United and working together like for now, for our times. There is a Message I like to share, which was dictated by the Lord. It says: „It has been said that at the end of times“ – which are now, which is not the end of the world but the end of one epoch – „Our Two Hearts will raise apostles that will be called apostles of the end of times. These will be instructed by the Queen of Heaven and by Myself to go forward in every nation to proclaim without fear the Word of God“ (April 3, 1996).

So, it talks about apostles being raised, which does not mean an apostolic evangelizing-only mission but also in sharing or promulgating the Two Hearts. This is an apostolate as well. And so, through the Holy Spirit, after a New Pentecost on certain people they will have this thirst, the eagerness to go and promulgate the Two Hearts. It says in the Message that they will always be encouraged and they will always pursue encouraged by the Two Hearts because They will be standing near them and encouraging them. And this people, who will become like apostles, they will „pursue the sinners, the lofty speakers, the great and the proud, the hypocrites and the traitors of My Church; they would pursue them with My Cross in one hand, and the Rosary in the other; and We would stand by their side. They would shatter the heresies and build faithfulness and truth in their place; they would be the antidote of the poison, because they would sprout, like buds, from the Royal Heart of Mary“ (April 3, 1996). Isn’t that nice?

So what I wanted to say is that, this is a very important period that we are passing through. Mary, Our Blessed Mother and Jesus are really so active in our times that you would have to be really deaf and blind not to see those signs in our times. Our Blessed Mother is appearing everywhere to draw people back to Jesus. Our Lord is appearing everywhere to wake us up and many people do not want even to listen to that. They do not want to believe. But there are lot of others who get converted to return to faith. So these manifestations are bringing us back to faith and reviving our faith. The Lord has even given us an explanation, but that is a lengthy part, I won’t give it.

QUESTIONCould you tell us something of what Jesus says about Our Blessed Mother? VASSULAThere is a beautiful Message where Jesus describes Our Blessed Mother and I would say – in a human way now – because I can’t describe something that is Divine and turn it into human words, so I would say that the way He was speaking about Our Blessed Mother, His Mother, He was like Exalted. You know? He was like almost fainting even (laughter). But what can I say?. This is the way I can describe it in a human way but I wanted you to know what I mean by that. So this is Jesus Who said: „Oh Masterpiece of My Father!“ – He was shouting – „Oh Sublime Masterpiece of Yahweh, Spouse to My Holy Spirit, My Radiant Tabernacle! Your Heart, Beloved of the Beloved, is One with Ours. Your Heart is My enclosed garden, a sealed fountain; your Heart is a Fountain that makes the gardens Fertile; your Heart, adorable one, is My Throne on which I have been honoured, Heart of the Heart, whom I crowned in Our Presence“ – it means the Holy Trinity – „and in the Presence of all My Celestial Court. How can any of My Creatures deny Your Heart?“ (March 25, 1996). And you just can’t believe it, that anyone can reject Her, you know?

And then in another Message, Jesus says: „My Mother continues to be proclaimed in Heaven as: My Mother. When I, God, descended to Be conceived by the Holy Spirit and be born by the Virgin Mary, I came into My Heaven! I descended from one heaven into the other; I left one throne to sit on the other – like the Lamp shining on the sacred lamp-stand, I found Her Heart, shining from within and without. I have been welcomed in this Paradise to be glorified“ (April 3, 1996).

And another one about the reaction of His Angels, because they were not told, you see? When She was on Earth, before Jesus came to Her, they used to see Her. But it was like a secret kept away from them. So Jesus says: „this is why My Angels in throngs questioned one another: ‚who is this, behind Her veil?‘ ‚Why are the crests of the mountains bowing down low, saluting Her, as She passes them by?‘ ‚Who is this without a blemish in Her Heart and so pleasing to God?‘ ‚Have you seen how all God’s creation lowers its gaze as She passes by?‘ ‚Who is She who is like a fountain that makes the gardens fertile by Her graces, this well of living water?‘ ‚Who is She, with a Heart so pure with divine love, aspiring for God day and night, night and day, and in perfect union with the Most High?‘ ‚Who is this Virgin who is so humble over Her great wealth of virtues and graces, that the supreme God’s Eyes never leave Her?‘ Many of My Angels remained silent in admiration, words had failed them…“ (March 25, 1996).

QUESTION: Have the revelations of Jesus and Our Mother finished?

VASSULA: The Revelation is the Holy Scripture. The question should

be“Have the Messages of Jesus and Mary finished?“ No, they have not. They are still continuing, and Jesus has told me that they will continue to the end of my days here on Earth. So, I don’t know when that will be, but so far there are still Messages coming in.

QUESTION: Could you ask Him to dictate a message for us?

VASSULAWell, we have eleven volumes, in English, and 24 booklets, in Spanish. All these are Messages for you, and are individual, so I get a bit sad, because I know Jesus gets sad, when they say ‚do you have a Message specifically for us?‘, because, yes, you have. They are all there. There are all those volumes just for you. So please don’t make Jesus sad, and ask such a question.