True Life in God Newsletter
March 31, 2004
Update from Vassula
TLIG Witnessing in Spain
Stigmata in Australia
A Lenten Meditation from True Life in God
Important Forum Update to Make Reading your Forum Easier
Update from Vassula
Dear TLIG family, Thank you for your prayers for the very important intention on the 17th March. God hears your prayers. Please keep praying for the same intentions, even more now.
God Bless, Vassula
Spreading the TLIG Messages in Spain
November 4 to 17 , 2003
TLIG witness: Ana Lizarralde
Organizer: Pilar de Oriol
“ Come to the heart of your blessed Mother. Which is as bright as day, come and recieve her graces, which are so innumerable, and that flash in rays from her hands. …and now our two hearts, joined in one, will conquer bitter plague, not by physical force nor by force of arms but by love and sacrifice.“ (25.03.96)
Without any doubt Our Blessed Mother Mary was guiding this mission from begining to end. It was on October 13, Our Lady of Fatima´s day, that the phone rang, and the call from Spain confirmed that the TLIG witnessing meetings were already scheduled and the plane tickets covered.
Our first day of witnessing was in our sponsor’s home. The three prayers were said and our Holy Mother´s intercession was requested so that every single word should be uttered to glorify the Most Holy Trinity and in total agreement to the Father´s Will. Next, it was explained how God is speaking to everyone today, how He is calling us out of the desert we are living in. Because He wants to be our Teacher and our Guide, the Lord Himself is taking care of His flock. The Holy Spirit is being poured like never before in history and renewing Humanity . In the end we all sang „Spirit Of God Come Upon Us“, praying to the Holy Spirit to transform and transfigure us. People were very interested in the messages, asked questions and bought TLIG books and magazines.
Friday 7, we drove to Toledo where Father Luis, a TLIG supporter from the early beginnings, and his group would host us. Having offered our will to God and prayed that only His words were uttered, we began our talk feeling very nervous and shy, but it was the Spirit who spoke! November 8, We were picked them up at the airport to proceed together to San Sebastian de Garabandal. Infinite thanks to you our Mommy in Heaven for making possible that this dream becomes true and leading us to this place so far away from the world but so close to Heaven!!! We could not stop thinking of volume 2 of the TLIG messages where the Lord insists on the fact that Garabandal is true and leads Vassula to that same place. We praised God Almighty for having taken us where Mary appeared so many times and from the very first Rosary prayed by us, we felt strongly Her presence, intercession and blessings. Every time we went up the mountain to Los Pinos, meditating the VIA DOLOROSA and venerating the Holy Cross, She didn´t stop blessing and pouring infinite graces upon us “ Mary, You really love those who leave everything behind to follow your Beloved Son Jesus! Let´s meditate TLIG message (25.03.96 ) where your Son Jesus Christ teaches us:
„Come and become the promised child of the mediatrix as a result of the devotion you would have had for her. In your devotion for her Heart you will be devoting yourself to me. Every devotion, honoring her heart will amplify and ascend on me since our union is so perfect.“
The first TLIG witnessing meeting in the Basque Country was held in the Chapel of The Immaculate Conception, Hernani. The audience listened expectantly to the teachings of TLIG, how the Holy Spirit is raising the spiritually dead and how the New Heavens and the New Earth are going to being born within each of us. On Thursday we set out to Barcelona. After a six-hour journey and a quick lunch, we arrived at the Parish where a nice group of people waited. The Parish Priest blessed us and sat down in the first row to listen to the witnessing of this Love Hymn that God is singing today and he kindly allowed us to stay as long as necessary. When finishing, we prayed and proclaimed the words from „Emanuel´s song“ TLIG (11.10.93 ). At thispoint, Heaven seemed to open and graces began to flow. A young housewife volunteered to witness on the fruits of the messages in her life. She said that through TLIG she had encountered Jesus in a way that had changed her inner life, her vision of life, people and things. The same woman phoned a few days later and asked for an explanation on the Baptism in The Holy Spirit; as the chat went on, for the first time she learnt about the Sacrament of Confirmation… Today, she is attending Catechism lessons at the Parish Church to get ready to receive the Sacrament.
Friday…, before traveling back to Sarautz we stopped at a pilgrimage place in the outskirts of Barcelona to venerate Our Lady and Her Immaculate Conception. Three hours later we stopped again in Zaragoza to venerate Our Lady of Pilar, in abeautiful Church erected on the place of the Apparition, where we attended Holy Mass, prayed and kissed the Pillar on top of which the Virgin Mary appeared for the first time when she was still alive to Saint James.
Saturday…, day of the week devoted to you Holy Mary, another big blessing from you, Oh Mother!!! You showed us your infinite kindness by taking us to Lourdes, France! Attending Mass in Lourdes, Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, praying the Rosary in the Grotto, lighting up a candle for our family and friends, drinking your blessed and healing water from the very Fountain and climbing the mountain keeping company to your Beloved Son while meditating the Stations of the Cross along the most magnificent Way of the Cross ever built!!! EVERYTHING, absolutely EVERYTHING is God´s Grace granted to us poor sinners!!! And as if the graces received had not been sufficient, we finished that day with a marvelous prayer meeting where the Spirit of God poured out plentifully through the intercession of the Immaculate Heart of Mary. Glory be to God Triune and Almighty in His Omnipresence and the Theotokos who is constantly intercedeing for us!!!
November 17, very close to our departure we went as pilgrims to pray to Our Lady of Arantzazu, Patroness of Basque People and Guipuzcoa Province since 1468. Such as Saint Ignatius we invoke you and pray for your Intercession!
Please, Holy Mother, we beg you that the words in the message TLIG (9.04.96 )become true for us all:
„Come and grow in My Heart and become the Heart; draw from my Heartall the richesI have been given from wisdom sothat you too can learnto love the Father, my Son and the Holy Spirit; in this way you will bethe child of the Mother of God.“
Pilar de Oriol y Ana Lizarralde
Stigmata in Australia
Avo and Suzy Vardanian are long term supporters of the TLIG work . They have done much to promote the messages in Australia and abroad and have helped to develop prayer groups. They havea TLIG prayer group that meets in their home for many years . A phenomena of weeping statues has manifested in their home for many years and much of this has been reported in the TLIG Forum see:
February 25, 2001 /forum/forum320.html
August 24, 2001 /forum/forum400.html
May 30, 2003 /forum/forum626.htmlAvo reports now that on Friday of Lent February 27th,two days after Ash Wednesday a remarkable happening occurred in front of the little alter they have in their home. how it all started
Early that Friday night, must have been around 8:45 p.m., I had to leave the house to go to my office to get something. In the meantime, Marianne was at the altar waiting for me so we could pray the Rosary together. I told her not to wait for me and that she could start the Rosary on her own, because I wasn’t sure how long it was going to take, as there are always things in the office that hold me back. I was back around 9:30 p.m. When I walked to the altar to join Marianne, she looked at me puzzled and showed me the palm of her hands, and said completely stunned, but in a soft voice: „I don’t know how to tell you this… Look what’s happened to my hands… They are wet!“
I looked at Marianne’s hands and was completely in shock and awe. I saw tiny wounds in the palm of both her hands, from where an oily substance was flowing.
This picutre shows a more advanced stage of how Marianne’s hands came to look. A complete photo documentation of this is included in the link at the end of this mini-report. (editor)
Marianne says: „Every time I think about our Lord or our Blessed Mother, or when I pray, oil starts to flow out of the wounds more than usual.“ The burning sensation in both hands continued, accompanied by a numb feeling in the fingers, at times with pain extending into the wrists.
On Wednesday 3rd March, 5 days into the stigmata, small tiny wounds started to show up on the other side of both hands. Again, sweet smelling oil was oozing out from both of these new wounds.
Crown of thorns
On Friday 5th March, exactly one week after the start of the wounds, Jesus had another surprise for Marianne. It was evening and Marianne had prepared a simple meal for the two of us. I stress the word simple, because by now Marianne is not able to do much with her hands. Holding objects has become quite difficult, and work at the kitchen sink is out of the question.
While we were eating, Marianne said that she was getting pains in her head, and that she was perspiring from her forehead, and showed me her forehead. I said: „I think Jesus is giving you the Crown of Thorns.“ When I had a look at her forehead, I noticed three small pimple-like red spots, from where oil was coming out with a sweet smell. One red spot was on the left, one in the middle, and one on the right side, as shown in the picture.
Again a more advanced stage photo – the complete photo documentation is in the online report. (editor)
I had just finished washing up the dishes, when Marianne said that she had to lie down because she was feeling weak. She went and lay down on the couch while I sat next to her on the floor. She said: „Blow on my hands; they are burning!“, and showed me the palm of her left hand, while she herself blew into the palm of her other hand in an attempt to ease the burning sensation. She said how much pain she had in her head, pain like needles shooting into her head, behind her eyes and going down both sides of the neck. She was perspiring, also from her forehead. And then she said something that stunned me; she said: „I am thirsty.“ I held my breath for a moment; our Lord’s cry from the cross with the same words came into my mind. Marianne was truly thirsty! I brought her a glass of water which she drank. There was no reason for her to be thirsty, because we just had finished dinner, during which we drank water.
Her whole ordeal lasted for about 45 minutes. When the pains had subsided, I mentioned to her the significance of the words she had spoken, that they were the same words our Lord uttered from the Cross. She was stunned too.
Marianne experienced in stages the passion and Avo faithfully recorded her words and feelings as this unfolded in their home . Marianne also singled out certain messages from True Life in God around the time when Vassula went through an experience of the passion. These passages are also in cluded ni the full report.
To read the complete report with over 27 high resolution photos go to: or click here
A Lenten Meditation from True Life in God
„Oh What Sorrow You Cause Me Generation.
Pray, pray pray but do it with love. Open your hearts and I will heal them. Repay evil with love, seek good and Goodness from above will answer you and turn you into Our likeness. I know all things and I observe all things and what I see in this generation is not acording to Our likeness: insolence, violence, greed, vainglory, wickedness that surpassed the wickedness of the demons, rebellion against Me and all that is holy, and all the vices that can bring your soul to ruin are what most of this generation practices. Every kind of wrong-doing is sin… Lift your eyes and be eager to find Me anddo not fall victims to worldly beauty, for the worship of that sort of beauty is the cause of so much evil.
To crown now your wickedness you embroidered your plan to the likeness of the beast and together, (2) generation, you will commit your crime to abolish My Perpetual Sacrifice and erect in it’s place the disastrous abomination. Have you not heard: „when the upright man renounces his integrity to commit sin and dies because of this, he dies becauseof the evil that he himself has committed; but when the sinner renounces sin to become law-abiding and honest, he deserves to live. He has chosen to renounce all his previous sins; he shall certainly live and shall not die.“
My eyes shed tears of Blood and my Eyelids run with weeping – O what sorrow you cause me generation, because Death has climbed into your house and you do not realize it ! So few repent… but most of you, generation, are not saying what you ought to: you do not repent of your wickedness saying: ‚what have I done with my life, my soul and my heart?‘ The slightest sign of regret for your sins and I will forgive and forget. Happy the ones who meditate on My words and My appeal and reason with good sense, they shall be saved. I bless you with all My Heart I bless you. Ic (May 30, 1995 Bethlehem )
Important Forum Update to Make Reading your Forum Easier
After weeks of struggle to make a plain text and anhtml text Forum to properly format on our current software platform,I have not yethad success. This included more than 100 formatting experiments.
If your e-mail reader is not enabled to see color and pictures you may have been getting a distorted Forum without proper spacing and paragraphs. Until I can master this or solve this problem I can only offer youonesolution, for now:
Read your Forum online, in color with pictures by going to: (Archives) where all editions are archived including the most up to date ones.
Thank you for your patience and tolerance.
Also more than 200 people on the Forum mailing list are infected with Virus’sand probably are not aware of it. In the past 30 daysI have seen the most intensive virus activity ever. Know this for sure you will never receive a mailing from the TLIG Forum that has an attachment . If it has an attachment it is not from the Forum . My advice is to never click on an attachment. If unsure, e-mail the person who sent you the attachment and ask them to paste the contents in the email proper and or to give you a personal explanation of what is in the attachement before you open it.
The editor.
Reminder: Stations of the Cross
Have you visited the Online Stations of the Cross based on the TLIG Messages?These meditations given by our Lord Himself are most potent on Good Friday. The link below can also be copy and pasted and e-mailed to friends to enable them also to enter more deeply into the mysteries of the Passion of Christ.
„I am God, creature, be at My Stations. Desire Me only, at every Station; I stand at every Station; I will be at the Stations of My Cross, and I want you there; I want you to kneel at My Stations.“
Reminder: TLIG Prayer Group Survey For America Only
There are hundreds of TLIG prayer groups all over the world. Where Christians of all denominations come together for prayer and fellowhip.
From time to time there is a need to refreshthe lists of existing groups and people searching for prayer groups.Currently the American TLIG Association website is conducting a written survey mailed out across the United States. A new database isnowon the American TLIG site, where anybody looking for a prayer grouporhaving a prayer group should register.
We ask that if you are in a prayer group in the United States only that you register this information today.
If you are outside of the United States and are looking for a prayer group, there is a place online where people looking for prayer groups can go and list thier requirements. This was graciouslyset up by one of the volunteer TLIG webmasters, David. Here is the location of this particular request board.
then click on prayer groups.
If you have TLIG related news, information, or inspiration please write