With the passing of our spiritual mother, Vassula, she has entered Heaven: all Heaven rejoices! Coming home, she rests at the Bosom of her Beloved Saviour, Jesus Christ, on His Sacred Heart. In the early Church, when a true follower of Jesus Christ had died, that person was said to have been born anew in Heaven: ‚Romae natalis sanctorum Apostolorum Petri et Pauli, qui eodem anno eodemque die passi sunt‘, ‚In Rome, the birthday of the apostles Saint Peter and Paul, who suffered on the same day in the same year‘ (29 June, Martyrologium Hieronymianum).

Let us rejoice! No doubt, she has spoken with her Beloved Jesus during her stay in the hospital; she has gone home.

Although it is common to offer each other condolences at the death of a beloved one, does it not seem more appropriate in the case of Vassula Rydén to congratulate one another on her joyful entrance into Heaven? („Christos Anesti! Alithos Anesti!“)

God gave us through her a most precious Gift: the revelations of True Life in God. Could she have ever left a more precious Gift for us to meditate and spread?

True Life in God contains the Will of the Lord for all humans for our times and future generations. It contains prophecies, prayers, hymns, teachings, biblical understanding, the most perfect ecclesiastical theological exegesis of important Biblical Books, and more, for our days, also personal advice and consolation for our hearts and minds and soul.

What more could we have wished for? Now that she has entered Heaven, will she not intercede for her sons and daughters? Will graces unknown not come down on each one of us, especially for those privileged souls, chosen to proceed and enlarge the sacred Work the Holy Trinity, Jesus and our Holy Mother have left for us?

Blessed are they who were chosen to proceed this Holy Work of God! We need to remain united in Love and Humility (the keys). The Church will soon be one, for the Lord has said so!

Let us be grateful to God for the holy mystic and prophet Vassula who left this holy Work, well organised, most precious and divine, for all to contemplate and share with each other.

„Oh Vassula, pray for us!“. Glory be to God!

Marcel de Ray