February 8-22, 2012
We never stop thanking and praising God for the awakening of countries that show a great interest in inviting His own mouthpiece; and as God Himself named her, His Echo, to hear directly from Vassula’s mouth His Love Hymn. We thank Jesus for the anointing graces all of us received that enriched us in so many ways. God Himself had said in the past that His messages will not end up in a drawer as Vassula feared, but that they will spread from a river into different rivulets, thus reaching many countries.
A year ago, the American TLIG Association received a call from Maui – Hawaii from a man called Jay. He and his family had been reading the True Life in God messages since 1994. The Spirit of the Lord had moved his heart in such a way that after having read all the messages of our Lord, his keenness was to have Vassula go to Hawaii and bring this work of mercy among them. The American TLIG organizers in collaboration with Jay began organizing Vassula’s meeting. At the same time, they were searching to find in Honolulu, another island, not far from Maui, anyone who knew the True Life in God messages and who would be willing to help organize a meeting for Vassula in their town as well. .
The Spirit of God which is in all the corners of the earth revealed to us Josephine Yu, a local living in Honolulu who had known the messages for many years. Georgia from the American Association immediately called her to Josephine’s great delight. Josephine Yu later on said to us: “When I received this call from the States, it seemed as though I was hearing “the whisper of the Lord in my ears.” We found out later on that there were several people in Honolulu who were readers of the messages and that even a lady by the name Lina, who had come from Waianae, had known the messages for 10 years and had formed a True Life in God prayer group ten years ago! Since then, Lina was praying to God every single day, never losing confidence, pleading Him to allow Vassula to come to Hawaii. Is there a need to understand why? It was through her determination and her faith that God in the end heard her prayer. She was relying totally on the power of God.
The announcement of Vassula’s meeting was posted 2 months prior in several local newspapers including 3 issues of the Catholic Herald. Advertisements were posted in numerous websites, and promoters were hired to pass out the postcards.
The mission to Hawaii began on February 8, 2012, from Rhodes Island with intermediate stops in Athens, London and Los Angeles. Before Vassula’s arrival, the organizers had arranged radio interviews in Hawaii with different radio stations. The first interview was on February 13, when Vassula was still in LA recovering from jetlag caused by the 10 hour time difference between Greece and Los Angeles. It took place on the phone, live on the John Noland Show, on Monday February 13 at 6.30pm – Hawaiian Radio Station in Honolulu, K-108 Radio Station AM. In this interview which lasted 35 minutes, Vassula explained what locution is in theological terms, why God chose her, what God has to tell us, saying: “I hear God interiorly, clearly; I hear even the tone of His voice, I understand when He is happy, severe, grave…. I asked God many times why He chose me and He replied: because of your wretchedness and of your nothingness.” Vassula witnessed about the way God called her, and her gift, giving the audience a full story of her mission, explaining as well the meaning of the expression: “End of Times.”
Vassula was taught by Jesus, and yet no less tells us that we should always bear in mind the fear of the Lord when trying to win people over to God. To win people over has indeed its sacrifice, its labour and its hardships. Honolulu now was a 13 hour time difference from Greece. Tired, but happy the next day, Tuesday, February 14, we arrived at Honolulu Hawaii after another 5 hour flight. The local organizers, Josephine from Honolulu, Lina and other ladies from the prayer group, welcomed Vassula in the traditional Hawaiian way, putting a Lei of flowers around her neck and holding a big welcome banner “Aloha Vassula and TLIG team”. Some of them, touched to the heart, were crying with joy. The organizers of the American TLIG Association, Tim, Janet, Georgia, Josephine, Sara, Betty and Lisa were also waiting for us. They too had travelled from different States of the USA in order to help out the organizers. ‘It is all God’s work,’ I thought, ‘and we must never neglect the grace of God that we have received.’ Here we are in the middle of huge Pacific Ocean, on these tiny islands, so far away, hardly seen on a map, and yet, God has not forgotten them…
The first day in Honolulu, Wednesday February 15, began with a small meeting with the organizers, or should I call them, “ambassadors of Christ” who worked with intent to please our Lord, never feeling weary. Then they gave us a short tour of the island. During the afternoon at 4:15 pm, Vassula was interviewed by Emmie Ortega Anderson from a Filipino radio station KPHI 96.7 Fm on. The Filipinos are the largest population in Hawaii and their station is the number one station in all of Hawaii for the 297,000 person Filipino audience. Their Radio coverage reaches all of Honolulu and parts of Maui. In Maui, they are connected with Cable Audio, which means some of them tune in on television just to listen, not watch, but listen to 96.7 FM. The journalist, delighted by Vassula’s replies, recognizing the Voice of God during her witnessing of the messages, invited Vassula to renew the radio appointment for the next day at 7 am. For the subsequent witness meeting, Betty, a Philippine TLIG volunteer from CA was instrumental in inviting the Filipino charismatic El-Shaddai group. Some of them came to the meeting, and brought from the Philippines books in Tagalong, DVDs of Vassula in the Philippines on January 14, 1998 and a picture of what Jesus wrote on the wall using her hand “I bless you all, I Jesus love you”.
In the meantime, Josephine Shiplacoff with others from the USA had gone over to the Church of St. Augustine and spoke about True Life in God to Rev. Lane Akiona, Pastor of St. Augustine church. . St. Augustine church was next door to the Marriott hotel and the priests from that church helped to promote the event, as well as mentioning it daily in their homilies. The Spirit of the Lord touched them and indeed they were looking forward to meeting Vassula and hearing her. Later, at the dinner that was offered by the local organizers in Hawaii, Vassula personally met both Fr. Benny and another priest, Fr. Lucius. She shared with them many of her experiences with God, and they, somehow, recognized that she is indeed a letter from Christ, in the sense that her knowledge was not written by ink but with the Spirit of the living God.
The next day, Tuesday February 16, Vassula gave a live morning interview at 7:15 am that lasted 35 minutes to Mrs Emmie Ortega Anderson.. Vassula witnessed about her experiences with the Father and the Signs of the End of Times explaining that it is not the end of the world but the end of a season, or, an era. The Signs of the Times are two: the Great Apostasy and the spirit of rebellion. God is so much offended when we Christians today are voluntarily making war against Him and denying Him, that His cup is brimming over and we are challenging His Justice. When her interview was over, Jonathan who edits the TLIG e-news was waiting at the other end of the phone line. His aim was to further inspire people to attend the meeting. He emphasized it is first time Vassula has come to Hawaii and a rare opportunity to hear first hand someone who has had such a powerful encounter with God the Father and Jesus!
On Thursday evening, Vassula addressed the people at Waikiki Marriot Hotel. The presentation started at 7:00pm with a15 minute introductory DVD showing Vassula’s witnessing in different countries of the world. Janet welcomed the people, Georgia read an introduction and invited Vassula to the stage, and Josephine Yu welcomed Vassula by putting Lei around her neck. Vassula gave a short background, and with simplicity and often with wit spoke of the themes given to her in the TLIG messages.
She ended her talk saying: “You came here and I am grateful for that. But outside there, there are many who don’t know God and do not love Him. I do not judge nor blame them because I was one of them. We must sacrifice and pray for them; God is asking for acts of reparation. He needs generous souls. He needs us to become witnesses of these End of Times; yes, Apostles of these End of Times.” Thus, she encouraged the people also by reminding them that the Holy Spirit now, in our times is being poured out like never before in history. God is with us, she ended by saying.
After 5 minutes of songs by Shanita’s Akana choir, Vassula returned to the stage for a healing service and blessings. While holding the Holy Cross which contains the relic of the true Cross, she asked everybody to stand and pray together the Prayer of Repentance, Deliverance & Healing that Jesus gave on November 13, 2006. .
The meeting was attended by approximately 300 people who appreciated and joined the simple, sincere and direct manner of Vassula’s witnessing, noting that the TLIG message repeats the Scriptures and adds nothing new to them. The people who attended the presentation were deeply touched by what they heard from Vassula, and after the talk waited for her to sign their books and pray over those who were sick. Even those who came with prejudice or suspicion for Vassula and the messages, changed when they met her, recognizing in her presence and speech that indeed she is the instrument of God for our Times. At the end of the meeting, people went to the book tables looking for the TLIG messages, DVDs with Vassula’s presentations and interviews, and photos of Vassula’s paintings.
Among the audience were five priests. Those who promoted TLIG were Rev. Lane Akiona, Pastor of St. Augustine by- the- sea Catholic Church, and Rev. Lucius Nimu, Parochial Vicar, who for three days were constantly including talk about Vassula’s gift and the messages in their homilies. Josephine from LA describes what the priests said about Vassula and the TLIG messages in their homilies. She says:
“The day before Vassula’s talk at the Waikiki Beach Marriott hotel, Rev. Lane Akiona announced the event at an early morning mass and encouraged his parishioners to attend. He shared that whenever he was asked by some people whether they should attend Vassula’s event he would assure them that yes, Vassula’s message is for all of us. She is a sign for us. He said that „Vassula is not Catholic, she is Greek Orthodox, but she sees no difference in our faiths… at times we are divided instead of being unified“ I did not hear most of what he said at the beginning, as I was at the back of the church and beside myself, with shock and awe. We were so excited to hear this priest devote a good part of his homily to the messages. We felt like a child wanting to stand up, clap and shout yay! Hooray! Like a cheering squad.
After mass, we went to the sacristy to introduce ourselves and to thank him. He replied by saying: “I shall tell Rev. Lucius; he is an Indonesian priest, a friend of Lisa Arman who is part of our volunteer organizing team, to be sure to announce at mass that the church parking lot would be open for those attending Vassula’s talk at the Marriott across the street.” The parking fee at the Marriott is hefty! We also invited him and the other priests to join us for dinner with Vassula. The next day, the day of the event, Fr. Lucius announced the event by holding up one of our poster/flyers at the end of the mass. He told me he had spoken about Vassula at a vigil mass the day before. The day after the event, Rev. Lane again devoted a good part of his homily time to speak about Vassula. He said „Vassula’s talk was powerful. She did not say anything new, it is the same word from God, but updated for the 20th century through a woman, Vassula“. He said that „what is amazing is that Vassula does not receive any monies or benefits from her mission. She gives… she gives 100%…200%“… (gesturing out with his arms).
It was refreshing for us to hear a parish priest speak so well about Vassula, and in having truly received the grace to believe; how God did not hide these things from him, but revealed his glory to him. He expressed his belief in her and her mission with such conviction and enthusiasm, that it was obvious to us that this fire the priest had, had to come from only one source: the Spirit of God. It was yet another proof to us that God was in charge of this event, making all these things possible. Fr Lane and Fr. Lucius went from there to the event.”
The next day, Friday, February 17, we traveled from Honolulu to Maui to spend some time with the friends and organizers from the USA who were with us during Vassula’s mission in Hawaii. At the Maui airport, Jay and his wife Carol welcomed Vassula and those who escorted her in the traditional Hawaiian way, by putting a Lei of flowers around our necks. Jay and Carol escorted us to our hotel and we had the opportunity to hear from Jay how he had received the True Life in God messages in 1994 from a friend. The reading of the messages has been a healing balm for his soul and a consolation which gave him the necessary strength to remain faithful to the church, after having had a bad experience.
On Saturday February 18, at 10am, Vassula was interviewed live by Cecile from – KPMW-FM, who hosts a Filipino Radio program. The interview lasted for approximately 45 minutes. Georgia presented Vassula to the audience by reading a brief biography of Vassula and her mission from 1985 to today. Vassula said that when God approaches someone giving such a gift as this one she has, it is always for the benefit of the Church. She also mentioned the prophecies and warnings of God in the messages of True Life in God, the spirit of lethargy that has absorbed the majority of people today and then read for the radio listeners the prayer of Repentance and Deliverance and the Our Father in Aramaic. Cecile, the journalist, ended the interview by saying: “Happy to have you here and thank you Vassula for the long long trip you made to arrive in Maui.”
On Saturday, February 18, the event at the Maui Beach Hotel took place in the early afternoon hour. The doors opened to the public at 1:00 pm, the choir began to sing hymns, and a little later the introductory DVD played extracts from Vassula’s mission in the world. Janet welcomed the audience, Georgia once more read an introduction to present Vassula and welcomed her to the stage, and Jay and Carol’s little daughter presented Vassula with a Lei around her neck as she came to the stage.
Vassula started her talk with the Our Father in Aramaic which was the language of Christ and asked people to stand up and pray with her the Our Father. She began speaking about her life before the messages, and continued by describing the early years of her mystical experience with God, as many of the audience were unaware of the TLIG messages. During her speech, Vassula developed with simplicity some of the issues included in the messages of TLIG, thus communicating to the people the feelings and experience she had of her mystical contact with God.
Vassula expressed her joy by saying to the people: “I am so happy you are here and you want to learn more about God. In His message Jesus speaks for every nation, culture and every age. He repeats Himself so that everyone can understand Him. He cares for us and when He reprimands us, He does it out of the greatness of the Love He has for us. The Lord says: “When you pray, pray with love, when you give, give with love. Whatever you do, do it with love and do not judge”.
After the talk was a short break that allowed people to visit the TLIG stands with the books and TLIG material. The fact was that Vassula’s speech had touched their hearts, and for this reason the books were bought with ferver. Vassula returned with the Prayer of Repentance, Deliverance & Healing, praying for each one of the attendees separately, while holding the Holy Cross. After the prayer, the people remained in the room, taking pictures with Vassula and asking her to sign their books.
There are several testimonies from Vassula’s meeting in Hawaii:
A blog from someone who attended Vassula’s event in Honolulu
Some testimonies from people who attended Vassula’s speeches were recorded on video.
- From Peter of Kailua: To be frank I was a skeptic when I came here and after having listened to her talk I realize that the message that she is giving us is something that’s not totally radical or different, but it’s the same thing that the saints in our Catholic church have been saying all along and as well as other apparitions such as in Medjugorje. It’s just the same message presented with a different language and I thought it was wonderful. I feel blessed at having been here and I thank the Lord that he called me to be here and I encourage people to attend her other talks wherever she maybe. It was a blessing. Thank you.
- I can’t pinpoint one particular part of her talk that touched me because there were a lot of things that she covered that really, really struck home. I think the part for me that really, really, really, I guess, really hit home for me when she talked about how close God is because a lot of people go through the world thinking that God is somewhere so far but really if we look deep in our hearts and we open our hearts, with faith to God, he is really in our hearts and like she said he wants to be a part of our lives, and he could be a part of lives every minute of the day if we just let him and we just have to invite him. So that’s the part that really I’m taking out of this conference with me. Like she said, when I walk out it’s us walking out, not just me. So praise the Lord on that. Thank you.
- From Josephine of Waikiki: I have always been very impressed by Vassula from way back and having experienced her all over again it has really grabbed my heart because I know that is how Jesus wants us to be, you know, easily touched and inspired by his word obedient to his will and what really touched me most is the word repentance because it is really necessary. For me personally it’s always been loving God from the bottom of my heart, allowing him to touch me, to be obedient to his will and to be truly repentant and to love one another with holy love. This is such a great gift from God. Anyone who stayed away from this has truly missed on something very very rare, a rare opportunity.
- From Victor of Kalihi Valley: I had a very good time here and it was inspirational and gives me a lot of hope and knowing that God is with us and Jesus is there with us and we are together. She said a lot but one of the things she said I guess is the word fastidious, which I did not know what the word fastidious meant. But apparently fastidious means we’re always wanting something that we don’t have or, and apparently always wanting something. And I always felt like, um… in a way fastidious but I’m very appreciative of what I do have and I’m very grateful for what I do have. I do really cherish the blessings that I do have. I mean, I’m very blessed to have good health, very blessed to have good friends and to have food and a place to stay. So I’m very very thankful for all that. And then also generosity: she was talking about generosity, about giving things…
- A testimony relayed by a TLIG volunteer Janet Maher: A woman attended the Maui presentation as she had found a flyer on her car. With no real intention of coming to listen to the message, as she was looking for food for her dog that was in the car, she came in and sat down. Once the talk was finished she followed the group and came up to Vassula for the healing service. Surprised and shocked, she felt an „electric burst“ that came from the cross that Vassula placed on her forehead! She asked me if there was a contraption in the cross. I reassured her that there was not and to look around, as not everyone had received that experience. Definitely hit by the Holy Spirit, even if she didn’t know exactly what it was, this woman walked out with a changed attitude.
- Another woman named Melissa from Maui had compiled a book of photocopies of the messages from the late 80’s before the TLIG books were even published. She brought them to the Maui event. She had been instrumental in giving the TLIG messages to a man (who has since fallen asleep in the Lord) who then gave them to Jay who had been reading the messages as well and was inspired to invite Vassula to Maui.
- In Maui, there were four people who gave their testimonies: Jay has a history of having tremors. The tremor disappeared after the healing service. Another woman experienced spiritual healing; her demons and temptations were chased away and felt so much better. Doreen, one of the local volunteers, was slain in the Spirit and found oil on her forehead where Vassula had placed the crucifix. She smelled oil. When she came home she smelled the same smell of oil. She smelled it every time she picked up the book.
God’s seed fell, and we hope that it will take root and flourish in the hearts of people who heard Vassula’s testimonies. Now it has to be watered. We pray that the flame lit by the Holy Spirit for the Lord and His message to continue to burn in their hearts, to renew and lead them to spread the message of God, creating prayer groups in Hawaii and around the world. May the Lord bless and protect all those in Hawaii and everywhere, who with love offer their time to make known to the world God’s Divine Message for this End of Times.