Dear Friends,
First, I wish you a holy New Year 2024 that can bring you closer to God and to His divine Will. I take this opportunity as well to thank each one of you for your warm wishes to me for this New Year and for my birthday. From the 18 th to the 25th January, Churches are called to gather to pray for unity. Therefore, any prayer especially this week for reconciliation between Churches drawing them closer together is most welcomed.
Many of us have been called to a true life with Christ and in God that ‘resurrected’ us from a spiritual death, are now thanking God for His mercy He had upon us. We should therefore remain bound to the Mystical Body of Christ (the Church) and its Tradition and make sure that no one comes along to deceive us, but listen to what Christ has been teaching us, not only through the Scriptures but as well with His reminder that are the messages of True Life in God. Have nothing to do with pointless and antagonistic discussions, which may take away the peace that our Lord has bequeathed on us.
We should keep praying for the authorities of each country, that they may turn to God and live according to His Will as Christ wants everyone to be saved and enjoy everlastingly in His Presence.
I thank Christ for giving me the strength and the will to continue serving Him with vigor and enthusiasm. Get to know Christ even more; trust in His inexhaustible patience, in His boundless Mercy and allow the Lord to fill you to the brim with faith, hope and love.
You must have heard that one of our dear friends, Jacques Gay, who was a sturdy column of TLIG, president of the TLIG Foundation in Geneva was called to his Eternal Home to join Jesus Christ. He has been immersed in the messages since almost the beginning of my call. He sacrificed a lot and was feeling so responsible to protect the messages that he established a Foundation for TLIG in Geneva. I wish to thank his wife Isabelle that all through these years together with Jacques promoted vigorously the TLIG messages tirelessly and that Isabelle still works serving the Lord with passion.
The return of Christ is close, and His reminders of this event are repeatedly mentioned in the latest messages. Every prophecy mentioned and described in the TLIG messages have come true. Scriptures say about the value of prophecy1 that we are right to depend on prophecy and take it as a lamp for lighting a way through the dark until the dawn comes and the morning star rises in our minds.
Continue to be promoters of Christ’s messages for the people in our days are not so interested to hear about God but would rather hear what God says now.
With much love in Christ,