Wednesday, May 29, 2002 8:58 PM

Testimony of a witness.

The following testimony is from one of the people chosen by Vassula to be a TLIG witness. She prefers to remain anonymous.

By the grace of God and through His great Mercy, I have been chosen to be a witness for the True Life In God messages. Recognising my unworthiness for such a calling, I have often thought about the stable in Bethlehem, the place chosen for the birth of Our Saviour and the King of kings, a place with excrement on the floor. God’s choices are often not the same as the ones we would make and so with frequent prayer for help and guidance, I accepted with great joy and anticipation this privileged calling to be a witness.

Last autumn (2001) I gave my first talk in one of the four countries

(none of them where I live) which Vassula had asked me to be ready to
visit. All thanks to God it went very well. I heard nothing from
the other three countries. Always enthusiastic to spread the good

news, as time passed I became more and more frustrated at not being invited to meetings abroad, knowing that here we have this fantastic, Sacred and ‘urgent’ message and despite my being asked to go far and wide to ‘tell the world’ I was still only able to share it with a few people I came across in daily life and almost all of those were not interested. Are You teaching me patience Lord? I prayed and prayed about it.

In the early part of 2002, I found the phone number of a lady in our own country who wanted to be an organiser but whose name didn’t get on the organisers list. I rang her and both of us realised how committed we are to spreading the good news of True Life In God and how we want to respond to the urgent plea of Our Lord to get on with evangelising these messages. So, to cut a long story short, she began to organise a meeting with the sole intention of having me as the speaker. Things went well with three members of her local clergy soon being very interested and a large church was booked for a meeting next autumn. She worked hard on introducing local people to the messages with many of them taking books and magazines and showing considerable interest.

We both prayed a lot about this meeting and because I felt a strange discomfort about it I asked six TLIG people whether they thought it was right for me to give a talk in a country I hadn’t been assigned to. A few months earlier, Vassula had said in a letter published in the TLIG magazine that after the Autumn of 2001 she wouldn’t place people after that time and we were to get on with the witnessing program ourselves. We thought this freed us from the restrictions of the lists and all those I asked thought I should accept the invitation, except the priest who thought we should stick faithfully to the original list of witnesses and organisers and Vassula’s original instructions. This meant the lady concerned, not being an official organiser, also felt uncomfortable. We both felt confused and aware of a little voice inside. What could I do to be sure of not offending Our Lord? I resolved to write to Vassula and ask her to give me a clear answer. Soon after I had asked for the letter to be forwarded to her I felt dreadfully troubled. I found to my great relief that the letter had not been sent so now we had to sort it out some other way.

Where is your faith? I asked myself. If Vassula can ask Our Lord
this question, why can’t you? So I sat down and prayed and allowed
myself to ask Jesus what I should do to please Him and feel what He
would answer. I firmly believed inside that He was saying: „You
must be obedient to your priest.“  

Immediately I phoned my friend to ask her forgiveness explaining that I couldn’t do the meeting. She decided to halt her work too, which saddened me greatly.

Within 24-36 hours, I had an e-mail from someone thousands of miles away who I had never communicated with before, asking me if I was free to go to witness in their country (one of those on my list!) on the very same date my friend and I had been working towards. I fell on my knees with gratitude and repentance, realising how disobedient I had been in trying to do the work my way and not letting Jesus do it.

Lord, forgive me for trying to lead You. Give me the grace to follow You always. Give me the grace to lower my head so that You can be seen. Give me the grace to lower my voice so that Yours can be heard. Give me all the grace I need, to die to myself so that You can be everything in me. Take possession of my whole being and if it is Your Divine Will, use this wretched instrument for Your service.

I ask all who read this, please pray for all of us involved in the evangelisation program. Pray especially for Vassula and her family and all those who are called to help her in this Sacred mission. Glory and Praise be to God thrice Holy and Blessed be Our Holy Mother.