Le Mans report
14 February 2000 16:07
On Saturday October 16, 1999, Vassula was in Le Mans, France. That date was providential: it was both the liturgical celebration of St. Margaret Mary Alacoque (b. in Vesosvres in 1647; d. in Paray-le-Monial in 1690) and the anniversary of the pontifical election of Pope John-Paul II. Thus, on that day, the Sacred Heart of Jesus was somehow uniting His messengers: St. Margaret Mary and Vassula.
Copied, below, is a small section of the full transcript of Vassula’s talk. The talk is full of wonderful things and it can be seen, in full, on the web sites at:
English – /lemans.html
French – http://www.vassula.org/le_mans.htm
Alternatively, if you would like an attached formatted file of the report, please reply to this email.
This evening I have chosen messages about the Sacred Heart, since today I am going to speak of the Sacred Heart. I chose what is the heart of the Sacred Heart, therefore messages that tell us what God’s Heart is like. As readers of True Life in God know, those messages cover many subjects; it is not just the introduction or the presentation of the Sacred Heart.
There are other messages – I could say whole pages – which introduce us to the Holy Spirit, the third divine Person of the Holy Trinity. This is because we do not know the Holy Spirit well; we know Him very little. Therefore Jesus teaches us; in fact the Holy Spirit Himself speaks. There are people (people faithful to the teachings of the Church and who go to church regularly) who sometimes tell me: „But the Holy Spirit, is He a person or a symbol or a dove? What is it?“
Our Lord knows us and we are presently living in this apostasy (and we must not be surprised if there are some negative reactions); and as Jesus says in many messages: „Ecclesia will live again“. Ecclesia is a Greek word which means „Church“. This gives much hope because Ecclesia – the Church – will live. At the very beginning, Our Lord asked me things which were like mountains before me because – for those who do not know me – I did not go to church, I never attended Sunday school, I knew nothing. All the teachings in True life in God were given to me internally, by the Voice of God, sometimes in locutions or, sometimes later, I received lights projected in my intellect: what God thought, what He wanted me to write, without any spoken words but I understood what He meant and I wrote it.
But I would like to tell you first what happened recently during my trips. Two months ago, I was invited to Japan. It was not the first time that I had been to Japan, it was the third time. But what was surprising and different from previous invitations was that this particular one came from Hiroshima – where the atomic bomb had exploded -, and it came from Buddhist monks who wanted to listen to the testimony of a Christian. They wanted to know more about Jesus and Mary. I was surprised by this invitation but I thought they wanted to know more about Peace, the Unity of God who now calls us. I went to Hiroshima, and there were some Catholics, even a Bishop, and three Buddhist monks, among whom the Superior, called „bonze“, welcomed me, as well as some lay Buddhists. I did not know that Japanese Buddhist monks are allowed to marry; I was told that their wives read TLIG. In the hotel, in my bedroom, I opened a small copybook of the TLIG and I fell on these words:
Even foreigners, even these have listened to My Voice and have understood My Words (September 20, 1989)
When we read True Life in God, Our Lord gives us many prophecies, that is to say, Our Lord says things but we do not understand them immediately, and later, when reading them again – with all that has occurred during close to 14 years -, one sees that everything He said has been fulfilled. He made me understand that even people who never knew who Christ is, who are not Christian, shall wish, in our time, to listen to His word. And Who is at work there? It is the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is at work now and we speak of a New Pentecost, of a Second Pentecost.
One must not wait for the day of this New Pentecost, because it has already started. God speaks very loud with very strong symbols. Even in the Holy Scriptures, when you see expressions like „stars are going to fall on the earth“ etc… those are God’s expressions. I have realized that God’s expressions do not take form in a material way; it means that prophecy can take place in front of you without your being aware of it because what is happening is almost natural. For example, Our Lord speaks of this Second Pentecost and of the new era which is to come which will be filled with the Holy Spirit, and there will be the purifying fire. I did not quite understand how all this would take place. Will it be a day of Second Pentecost, when every one will speak and sing simultaneously in tongues and prophesy? In fact, what is that Second Pentecost for which even Pope John XXIII has prayed so much in order to renew the Church?
- Finally
- only when God willed it – it was while I was giving a testimony in French in front of a TV camera that, all of a sudden, I was given the light to understand what is the Second Pentecost. When it comes from God, I want to jump with joy, as it is so extraordinary. I feel this joy: this is it. It is not I who discovers it, it is God who discloses it. Then, I understood that the Second Pentecost has already started a few years ago. The Second Pentecost is individual. Take, for example, someone spiritually dead for many years; you think this is hopeless, that he will never find God and that he is not interested at all in spirituality; suddenly what happens? It’s the Holy Spirit: he hears a word or reads a sentence; it is the Holy Spirit who lifts him up and resurrects him spiritually.
How do we see the difference between a person who observes his religion, who has always observed his religion and been faithful, and the same person who as been renewed by the Holy Spirit? Those who have now been renewed are full of the ardent Fire of the Holy Spirit. They become witnesses and are full of zeal for God; they do nothing but bear witness and put God first before anything else. They are like new persons and this Fire is always present, i.e. He is within them, ardent, and they are witnesses and become apostles of the last times. As I travel much, I see this fervour everywhere. When one meets God, this is the New Pentecost, it is the individual Second Pentecost, within everyone.
And this multiplies, and it reaches now even Buddhists. In Bangladesh where I was recently, there were 5000 people in the meeting, more than half of them Muslim. They listen to this divine Message, a call for Love, a call for Unity, a call for Reconciliation. This is the strongest call in True Life in God: Reconciliation. Without reconciliation, there is no unity and it shows that love is missing. But since God is all merciful, He tells us through the messages of True Life in God how to take the first step, how to achieve reconciliation. It is through repentance because, when one repents, the fruit of repentance is love and then, with love, one can do everything, one can become reconciled; and one knows full well that as long as we are divided, this is not according to God’s thinking, it is contrary to God’s thinking; it is the devil, the divider who keeps us divided.
The reaction of the Buddhists was extraordinary. I spoke of the Blessed Virgin, also of the messages of the Blessed Virgin. I spoke of Jesus, of His Love. I spoke of the Holy Trinity. I said it all, as I had to and I waited for their reaction. Then the bonze came toward me and what he said will be in the next newsletter of information of True Life in God. Already Buddhists are making a step towards Christianity to discover the Trinity; and therefore it was a triumph of Jesus in Japan, this time, because if they already accept messages of True Life in God, the trinitary spirituality, there is much hope for Japan, and each time I go to Japan I find people ready to be baptized. They were pagans, not even Buddhist, and suddenly they became Christian. Conversions to Christianity occur constantly in Japan and this thanks to the Holy Spirit.
I would also like to say a word about the steps to follow in True Life in God. It is a call to reconciliation, to unity, within families, within nations and also within the Church, the Unity to which Christ is calling us: unite His Church. But True Life in God also teaches about the Holy Spirit and is also a revelation of the Heart of Mary, i.e. who is Mary, what is the Heart of Mary… this is a whole teaching on Mary. In True Life in God, there are also grave and even sad messages about the condition in which the Church presently finds itself. But when God speaks – one must always know this – when God speaks, He says what He finds wrong with us (because we can say that no one is really perfect) but since He is Father, He says it with love and when God speaks, He always end on a note of hope. God lifts up the soul, He never squashes the soul and that is how we recognize God, His Love, His Splendid Love. If He intervenes, it is not in my personal interest but for the interest of the Church, of everyone. We are the Church and it is for the Church’s benefit that God speaks.
continued…….. at: www.tlig.org/lemans.html