Article provided courtesy of True Life in God Radio
Brazil Beth Myriams
Dear listeners, you are listening to TLIG radio and here is the news for this week.
There are six Beth Myriams in Brazil all located in the poor communities of Belo Horizante, Brasília, Goiânia, Salvador and João Pessoa. One of the two BMs in Belo Horizonte started in 2003 and the other in 2007.The poor are served nutritious soup with legumes, cereals, bread and meat on weekdays. The volunteers mostly from the same community, offer more than 500 meals daily, distribute blankets in winter and even produce soap for sale in order to earn an income for needs of the BM. The Metropolitan Archbishop has visited the BM several times and is glad with the Christian and loving work that goes on there. On Wednesdays and Thursdays, the TLIG Prayer Groups meet in the BM.
In this year alone, the Goiânia BM has distributed two and a half tonnes of rice to about 50 families and served 10,800 meals to the poor. There is also a dental facility where over 400 people receive teeth restoration, mobile prosthesis, extractions and over 100 emergency treatments to relieve toothaches.
The Brasília BM started 3 years ago and is located in a poor village close to the capital city. 600 people are served soup with even some to carry home 3 days every week. Ten volunteers prepare the soup and three run the BM. A gynecologist gives medical care to the women while a pediatrician takes care of the babies. Needy mothers and babies receive a kit with clothes and nursing stuff from the BM. Volunteers evangelise to the children. A TLIG Prayer Group meets every week to read the Bible, pray and meditate on the Messages from TLIG. Many people testify to the changes that occur in their lives as a consequence of going to the BM.
In the Salvador Beth Myriam, poor people and babies are provided with food, clothing, shoes and medicine. Volunteers visit the sick in the hospitals. Soup and bread are offered weekly and catechism is taught to children between 2 and 10 years as well as to teenagers between 11 and 17.
There is renovation of the building at the João Pessoa Beth Myriam. Once restoration is complete, there will be weekly meetings with children, teenagers and their mothers. Every month children will meet in the BM to play and eat. All the Brazilian Beth Myriam’s have local donors to thank especially a member of a TLIG prayer group who donated more than 100,000 US dollars to support the BMs in Brazil and Uruguay. Thank you for listening to TLIG news and May Our Lady protect you all.