July 4, 1996
peace be with you;
I said: I will come in flaming fire; stand firm and pray with confidence;
listen, My child: I know you have been deprived from writing but this was done to pay the debt of those who wronged Me; a dear brother of Mine disowns Me openly and so very often …. he grieves My Holy Spirit with his harshness; I set a child by his side; with great confidence I brought My child to him; ah …. how can he fail to see Me in My child whom I raised from the dead? how much longer am I to put up with him? why does he ruin his very self? My garments are spattered with blood, My flesh is ripped from the scourge, and I lie by his side tormented and in agony …. and you, My Vassula, bear this Cross for Me so that you will not lack; better offer you could not have …. My Father will raise your eyes to see greater things that are to come;
I, Jesus, honoured you with My Cross, daughter, have My Peace;
I bless you; Wisdom is by your side; I Am;