January 3, 1996
Your Works are blessings, wealth and a lamp.
Forgive us1 for not accepting Them
as from You with all our heart.
My daughter, I, your Father, give you My Peace; from the dawn of your earliest days I made you sit in My Court to teach you: righteousness, love, and who I Am;
so that you do not adopt the ways of the world, I descended on you to conquer your heart; I wanted you to become My friend and teach you that to fear Me is the beginning of Wisdom; although you did not deserve to see My Glory, I came to you in your silence to obtain your ‘yes’; I then commanded darkness not to be dark around you and that night would transform itself into light;
member of the Eastern House, daughter of this House, false witnesses have risen against you but put your hope in Me, your Father; keep My instructions and be at peace and do not be worn out; endure and proclaim My Glory and My Fatherly Call; in the Courts of My House you will remain to progress and progress My people; I shall not fail you, so do not fail Me either;
I tell you: once the oppression is over and the ruler of the underworld chained and those who trample My Son’s Sacrifice underfoot gone away, from within the House you are in, a man of good omen will stand up, flaring like a torch to restore My Sanctuary and My Name thrice Holy …. and the Rebel’s kingdom shall fall;
I shall continue to be your Song, My Vassula, and your Torch; I shall be by your side and lead you safely all the days of your life; you shall be My collaborator and My friend, My echo and My weapon; and your mouth will be like a sword to all those who are wreaking havoc in My Sanctuary;
I, Yahweh, am known to defend the simple and My Heart melts for the pure of heart; he who comes to Me as a little child will know and will be allowed to meet with Wisdom, who will lead him into My Kingdom; My Eyes favour the little hearts, for in these hearts My Knowledge is poured in abundance; woe to those who do not welcome Me in simplicity of heart but show themselves as the greatest in My Courts and „call evil good, and good evil, who substitute darkness for light and light for darkness, who substitute bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter“; 2 My Spirit, seeing their selfish intentions, will divorce them from Me, who am thrice Holy;
you want to enjoy Heaven? you want to rejoice in My Presence? then come to Me as a child! you want to meet Me and see Me? then come to Me with innocence in your heart! come to Me with a pure heart and the scales covering your eyes will fall so that you see My Glory and He who was, is, and is to come; do not be ensnared into your pride for I will allow those little ones to trip you over;
I, God, am with you, daughter; be blessed thrice in Our Trinitarian Holiness;