August 16, 1995
Lord, my Yahweh,
never let the world drag my steps
back into its entrails;
never let it become my master nor my domain.
May You grant me, my Father,
what You carry most preciously in Your Heart
so let Your desires become my flesh and bones,
my being, my nourishment and my life.
I love you to madness,
my Strength, my Holy One thrice Holy,
my Drink of Everlasting Source of Divinity and Life,
my Kindness and my Tenderness,
come! come to me and I promise You, Heavenly Father,
to sing Your Hymn of Love to all nations
to honour Your Fatherly Love.
Will my Good Lord respond from His Holy heavens?
will He give His response to this sinner, to this unworthy clay?
I, Yahweh, bless you; I will refresh your soul, My Name is engraved now on your heart; listen:
I come to meet you with blessings; daughter, you have asked for life, My delightful child, I am Life and I am here with you now; I will never abandon you; ah Vassula, let Me reassure you: human strength shall never prevail in My Plan of Salvation;
I am the Author of this book; although your enemies avoid the light lest they be revealed, but wait for you, in darkness to pounce on you; do not be afraid, My Eyes are watching over you; no earthborn human will strike My child; yes, you will be calumniated and abused, but have you not seen the result of My good Works? I am telling you this to encourage you; although the Beast and its followers will keep on hounding you as hunters after their game, do not be afraid, they will not reach their aim; as I once said: they will try and erase you altogether from the surface of the earth; they will redouble in strength but not one of them will be able to touch My territory and My property; – you are My Territory and My Property – I have you encircled by many angels who guard you, and I, Myself, am your Sentinel;
for your own part, build and plant in My service and I, I shall knock down and overthrow your aggressors who in reality are My aggressors; as for your persecutors, pray for them; show kindness and mercy, repay evil with love;
My Presence is all around you and wherever you are;