May 18, 1993
(Messages given for the Canadian pilgrims.)
My Vassula, have My Peace;
I tell you, so loved by Me and so favoured from My Father, I, Jesus of Nazareth, have freed you, I have freed you all; praise Me and pray for those whose heart is still far from Mine and is taken by the world; I solemnly tell you: the days are counted and the One whom you have been waiting for will suddenly come upon you! so be prepared ….. and live every day as though it is your last day on earth;
I have glorified My Father, will you not glorify Me? indeed, I, your Saviour, brought you to follow My Steps; 1 I tell you, whoever serves Me, must follow Me till the end, whoever seeks Me will find Life, whoever listens to My Voice and to My Words, will endure trials without complaint; My Law is not difficult to follow if you truly love Me; love conquers, love is manifest, love endures patiently, so come and refuse Me nothing; do not be afraid, My Heart is an Abyss of Love;
I bless you all from the core of My Heart, little friends;

(Later on:)
peace be with you; repeat after Me these words:
Jesus my Light, Jesus my Guide,
I love You, because You showed me the Way,
Holy Spirit, my Holy Companion and my Friend,
You who whisper in my ear
counsel, wisdom and consolation,
I love You, because You allowed my eyes to see and hear,
I adore You, because You resurrected me
and You became, O Sweet Manna from Heaven,
my daily Bread,
You have consoled my distressed and wretched soul;
You care for me in this desert,
and You are mindful to my needs,
You are fanning into a roaring flame
Your Gifts to all mankind,
for the Glory of the Most Holy Trinity,
give us all, the grace to devote ourselves
to obeying Your statutes
and that Your Law becomes our delight;
good; I love you and bless you; your Beloved; ic;