Tuesday, January 08, 2002 9:29 AM

Bethlehem Beth Myriam

Vassula first wrote about a new Beth Myriam in Bethlehem in a mailing dated, November 27th /forum/forum438.html

In the following letter, Vassula gives details of a bank account for contributions by bank transfer to this new Beth Myriam. Additionally, cheques in any currency may be sent to the following address: (for this particular Beth Myriam, please make cheques payable to ‘Mary’s House’)

Anne Marie Sands
Mary’s House
PO Box 31142
Jerusalem 91001

Dear TLIG family,

As you know the Beth Myriam houses that opened are running very well and that is thanks to every collaborator who keeps „alive“ those houses.

When I was in Puerto Rico I met Benito from Venezuela who came over to see me. He told me that the 2 Beth Myriams in Venezuela are in good function, one of them has 120 people to feed. He told me that they will open 2 more Beth Myriams in other areas!! Wonderful!! The holy family is really helping us to realize that acts of love are very important in the Lord’s eyes.

I am writing now especially to mention that we already have a person in Palestine who feeds the poor in a very poor area of Palestine. This person, because of the war, asked us to be very discreet on the matter and made us promise not to mention names, nor give the name of the area, because the life of this person can be at stake. The TLIG of the holy land know very well that person and it is a person one can trust. I can only tell you that there are entire families (since they are locked in their area) that have not a crumb on their table. It all started when that person heard someone weeping and wailing in the street outside this person’s house. When trying to find who was weeping, it was a mother who had nothing to give to her children to eat. It is not just her, many families are at the brink of starvation. So already TLIG in the holy land and some other persons from abroad started to give financial help. It is not enough, because many families are as poor.

For this I ask the family of TLIG if they feel in their heart that they could help out this sort of Beth Myriam in the holy land. One can send any amount of money (in any currency) to the following bank account in Israel for this project:

Account name: Mary’s House

Bank code: 10-901

Account number: 32701/34

Bank Leumi – Jerusalem Main Branch 901

Jaffa Street – Jerusalem – Israel

This is all for this slightly different Beth Myriam.

Many blessing for this new year,
